200 Pack Opening With Limited Potions (A Theory Test)

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I knew I wanted to open up more packs but my gut was telling me wait till you buy potions for gold and legendary. Yeah, Splinterlands is good at triggering me that way lol

Even though the potions only give a small percent increase over 200 packs that can really start to add up and in this case I wanted to open 200 without hardly any potions just to see the outcome. I have to say it wasn’t that great!

With a value of just $649.08 list and $621.73 on the market values of these cards the packs come out to be worth just $3.24 each! That’s less then the cost of a pack which is $4 at the moment on open market with no voucher. This could very well be because of the wild down swing from the crypto markets as of the last few days or simply because another 12 million packs are about to be dropped on the markets. In any case I’m personally thinking I might hold my packs for a few months and sell them later and instead buy cards themselves as they are so low cost at the moment.

What’s really cool is I’m starting to somewhat DeFi in Hive with SwapHive offering up liquidity which then actually provides me tokens to sell off and buy packs/cards with. It’s actually pretty legit and something I’ll most likely push a little harder for moving forward. On the other front I also heavily invested into Wax games last year and those pay passive crypto as well or I can just sell off those cards in the other games as they increase in value and pick up most splinterlands cards. All in all I see us maxing out this Chaos deck by the end of the month and with it I’m going to be jumping into some SPS tournaments for Chaos (if there are any there should be)

With this opening I think I only landed 4-6 legendary cards that’s about half of what my other opening have been with potions. It also gave me half the value of what it was with potions so even though potions would cost me roughly $200 (of which about $100 would be used on the 200 pack opening) it seems to be worth it so far after that opening in being that it would have in theory valued my decks at +$300 - $500 more in value. Of course there’s a big element of chance and the element of card values. I’m starting to think though perhaps doubling the amount of packs this drop might have been a little too much but time will tell!

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Thank you for your sacrifice 😭😂 I've been very curious as to the real impact of using potions and if they're worth investing in.


Interesting to know. I'm planning on buying 25 packs during the general sale. Not much but that's all I got lol.

Can you explain in a future post exactly how you are doing the swaphive? I'm really interested in doing some of that.

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