RE: Splinterlands EOS rewards and talk on seasonal performance

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This seems pretty good for rewards? The big thing with SPS is you're earning APR on it as well so that one lump sum payment is nice but could end up being a lot more as price increases and APR over time. I don't think reward cards have a dollar value on them either right?

I've been trying to get back into the game myself but I've just been stuck in bronze and for whatever reason have been unable to get out which has kind of ruined the game for me personally. I'll most likely play the spreadsheet game instead of lands etc.

I'll be honest when I saw EOS rewards I honestly was thinking the token not the end of season lol Thought I missed some crazy update.


Yes, I am re staking almost all my SPS back in staked so the staking APR and price appreciation over time will benefit me well, I hope at least.

For you issue, I would suggest to see what cards and lineups players using in your league, just battles of the top 20 that would help you. I also love the core game as well so focused on my SPS and card collection as always.

And about the EOS, I am seeing others to use this term as end of season so thought to use it that way 😅


I find the sps bnb sps weth voucher hive and sps hive as well as DEC busd and DEC dai as well as nodes and staking to average a good APR and allow you to accumulate BTC ETH DAI etc so you can use it to build your holdings of BTC ETH and DAI and use those to interact with diff chains and earn high aprs and be able to move in and out as well as get arbitrage. The The hive engine pools seem to be pumped alot so i dont put as much in them but rather just have hive power, savings, HBD and some layer twos and optimize voting and use all the work arounds to get more like post on as many chains like steem etc use all tags nad layer 2 tags aswell as off chain rewards and just the many chains offering rewards for content. You can clean up with AI i beleive. I am about to try it and thank god i didnt set my network up before i figured out what dicks hivewatchers are who literally dont want ppl to make money but themselves they can say its benefiting ppl but its them lol.

I also add any staked earnings into the lps at diff prices and ratios so they even out and earn a much higher apr than staking now. It earns about double and more if compounded.

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