The Rewarding Ecosystem Monetizing Your Passion


A general rule that came with the internet is you could turn your passion into massive success. You now had more tools then ever and platforms to spread your message, drive sales and live off of what you love to do.

But of course there are struggles along the way and many people never get to that break even or even profitable enough to quit their job levels. Many end up being side hustles which often take more time then they are worth.

But with Web3.0 rolling around could that all be changing?

Platforms like Youtube generate billions do dollars in ad revenue of which only 65% (but really less as they still collect ad revenue on people who are not monetized yet) is paid out to the people creating the content. They also now take massive cuts of donations, tips and subscriptions.

What we see with ALL of these platforms is the backbone of them is ad revenue. Without that ad revenue it would be very difficult for run that operation and I firmly believe that's one of the major core things missing from web3.0 still.

The Creator Economy

Dubbed the creator economy it's a relatively new way to generating wealth online. In some cases I've seen millions of dollars being made per year by these creators while others simply struggle.

The biggest issue we are seeing right now with this industry which is expected to grow 2x in the next few years is that large corps are still taking way too much of the revenue. When you think about it if it wasn't for the people producing the content on the platform then the platform would be dead. However the likes of these mega corps simply keep growing and growing in revenue themselves showing a clear unbalance in what they are paying their content creators to what they are earning themselves.

Is Web3.0 The Solution

I believe web 3.0 is the solution and we have seen some parts of it start to bloom. However they still seem to seriously struggle in terms of getting the revenue streams right.

We have seen things from giving the ability to content creators to launch their own token and get value that way.

We have also seen attempts to try and run ads but without much success so far.

We have also seen the subscription model also be a thing. But without much success as well.

This is starting to show us the struggles that Web3.0 has and it mainly comes around to two core things. The first being it's far easier for the every day person to simply tip using a credit card compared to having crypto and attempting to tip or buy a subscription there's a lot more hoops to jump through.

We also see major ad networks underpaying crypto style sites. While the solution of this would be to launch a internal system it's complicated and hard to do. What I would REALLY love and might be something I do myself one day is launch a bid style advertising network much like ProjectWonderful back in the day. I seriously loved that style of market.

What's clear is it's not going to be a easy battle and web2.0 platforms are going to become even more aggressive in terms of not wanting to promote anything off platform. It's in youtube's and other platforms best interest to keep you engaged and using their platform instead of visiting elsewhere and this is something web3.0 is going to have to seriously content with it's a massive undertaking but one I feel like we can win over time.

Some platforms that are currently offering this would be InLeo which offers article marketing style system as well as a thread style social media platform which is built on the Hive Blockchain


It's clear that these platforms need to start acting like a web2 solution but offer additional benefits such as a better and more far cut of revenue, internal revenue streams, easier onboarding, easier ways to tip or get value into the ecosystem.

This value would then be all recorded on the blockchain showing you clearly how you where generating revenue and from where. It would also keep the "company" or application in check allowing users to clearly see how much of a cut a platform is taking or if they are up to anything shady and that's really the big benefit of this web3.0 platform vision. However I still believe we could very well be years away from it being main stream adopted or at least give a real push against web2.0 solutions we currently have today.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Because web2 is centralized I still think they can't afford to be transparent, they can't be easy onboarding and they find it difficult to create ways for earning, but if web3 is widely adopted revenues can be generated just as we see here on inleo.
