The Thread Wars Have Begun

Threads is heating up once again with the new leaderboard addition and of course some votes starting to come in. No I'm not talking about Instagrams junky threads platform which has been dying and might have the worst algo ever! I'm talking about threads which is much like it and twitter here on a crypto platform called LeoFinance

In this article I'm going to go a bit over the leaderboard, my own thoughts and where we might be headed. I might even vent some frustrations which is ok because it can't always be sunshine and roses and opinions, chats and talking things out opens up new possibilities.

You can read about the threads warz Weekend of Prizes Here

How It Started

I would say now a little over two years ago I got heavy back into LeoFinance and Hive. But mainly LEO and Hive along with supporting of a few games which primarily was and has been Splinterlands

From there I started to work with LEO as an ambassador. Mainly because I was already doing all the things anyways on the daily so why not get a title to go with it?

DeFi Talk

I will say LEO did a great job with their first defi platform but pretty much you could throw anything at the wall and it would stick in those times. Since then $CUB has fallen to 1 cent and most likely will continue a slow fall unless one of two things happens if not both.

  1. A reduction in inflation on CUB it doesn't have to be anything crazy but a variable rate makes sense so when things are slow the interest rate is low. When things are active and pumping the interest rate rises just like with markets. CubDeFi

  2. A swap function needs to be add to the LEOFinance UI that allows people to swap LEO with HBD/HIVE/BNB and maybe a few other tokens but at least those to start. The small fees collected from this would at least fuel the defi token and the same would go for Polycub with Polygon (MATIC) and Ethereum. PolyCub

Right now both of these platforms are slowly dying but mainly polycub seems to be nearly dead as a doornail lately.

Trying To Do Everything

One thing I learned in business through all the companies I worked with is they all branch out way too far realize it was a bad move and then consolidate and return focus on what made them great in the first place.

The everything app could work however you need pretty much unlimited funds and huge amounts of manpower. It's the most inefficient system ever when it comes to coding.

That's mainly because what you're fixing or adding to one section of the code base often times breaks other areas you didn't even think about. Throw in multiple people working on a project and you end up with one very large mess that might do things good/ok but it just doesn't do anything great.

Instead a better solution could be creating front ends that all use the same token. So LeoFinance would still be article focused long form while another domain name perhaps with the LEO name in it would be for threads. Voting and curation would still work the same way but now across two domains if not more as it continued to grow. However the "HUB" or main page would allow you to easily flow from one to the other and do defi, swaps etc.

Why do you see every other company such as Facebook go out and buy Instagram but then leave it Instagram and then launch a new app threads under a whole new name but they all in some way interact with each other. It works! While the everything app could work it's again not optimal at all for a small company. I'm sure X is hemorrhaging money trying to get this everything app put together.

The other aspect of this is LEO needs to start getting its act together on things the community has been waiting for and buying into. The primary one being smart contracts for ad revenue. The whole reason LEO's price started to go up was on the promise of ad revenue a passive income source something like we see with the hive token.

Not only would this get people at least some more active since they know they would be building the pool but it would create demand for the token. All we have seen since the big power up day with NFTs etc (which we also have yet to see) is a slow and steady decrease in price and some people getting rather vocal about some of the choices and wait times. In fact ad revenue was talked about nearly a year and a half ago and continues to keep getting delayed over and over again. (Yes that's me frustrated but I know I'm not the only one now)

Anyways that's just my two cents on the matter and has been my two cents since day one which threads was announced.

Agree with me or not that's ok I'm totally open to hear counter arguments if supported by something and open to talks and innovation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha






@bitcoinflood! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.


Most people I know find it tricky to swap between one and the other, it's just another step in a day of steps. Personally I think the sign in page looks messy and intimidating and even for me who gets it, it's a bit much. Just have one easy sign in option and a few options buttons underneath like when you're choosing between PayPal or MasterCard. And like you said, the button to switch like IG/IG Threads.

A side note, I'm totally bored with IG Threads already. And that's coming from an Instagram obsessive with 11.2k followers .. it's just pointless.


That's actully another good point. An everything app might be too much of a blast in the face like a fire hose for a new user joining.


No doubt about it the thread war has really begun because everyone wants to be at the top


show us your power be at the top. flood the threads with bitcoin


It's good to give honest feedback to the community leadership. You are of high enough stature to do so, so thank you.
many of us love this community, and think it has great potential.
We wish it good luck in achieving it's goals.


100% I believe in the people behind the project but it doesn't mean I or everyone has to agree with it. I'll do what I can to support it and throw out my opinions on things but it's up to the main team to make the choices and decisions based on that feedback.


That was quite the bait and switch, but as a new Leo user it was good to hear a bit of history about the project. Things are never rainbows and butterflies.


Nope, if something was 100% sounding wonderful I'd be very worried! There's been a lot of positives though as well. But the one core factor that seems to really be driving the negative here is the continued delay on ad revenue buy backs which just keeps getting put off constantly. That's pretty much my main gripe at the moment. The other things such as a separate platform is just my opinion based on what I've seen in my 20 years of business working with small to medium sized companies.


This war is very entertaining. I enjoy it a lot


I agree that we might need to separate threads from the long-form content platform but certainly I have become accustomed to it.

I think the problem, as you mentioned, is trying to do so many things at once with very limited manpower. This is where loefinance finds itself currently. I don't think there is the capital to employ more people and many of the projects haven't scaled completely. So I would rather they consolidate and focus on very few things.
