Alpha Cards: Going out of Business!



In this article we will speak about the continued scarcity for alpha cards and how the moment to pick these cards up or rent them affordably is coming to an end in my opinion. Personally, I saw an opportunity with alpha cards awhile back with tournaments as well as with the price drop after the wild and modern split. With the onset of land and relative boosts alpha cards receive, they are flying off the shelves and soon to be few and far between in my opinion for ranked play. We will speak about the boost alpha cards get for land contribution first and then examine three cards one in each rarity except common and see what the availability to purchase those cards are. If you would like to join this game and the newly added land component, please use the following link:

Alpha Land Workers

Alpha cards receive 10x the multiplier for production points making them extremely valuable especially at higher levels as compared to their other edition cards. For instance, a 10 bcx alpha common would produce 1500 points more than a maxed level chaos common card. A reminder that common cards take 400 to max out for chaos legion so you are getting double the value for less than 10% of the bcx. Seems like a pretty good bargain in my opinion. This is especially important for castle and keep owners as their rewards are based on maximizing their production points on that one plot. Now that we all know how valuable alpha cards will be for land, let us look at the first three rarities and see how many cards are out there to buy.

Common Alpha Kobold Miner (18)

Kobold Miner.png

One of my favorite alpha cards to use in battle is the kobold miner. This card is unique that in it offers two sneak damage in silver which gets buffed to three for 2 mana. No brainer it is a high value card. Currently however, there are only 18 on the market with 7 of those being multiple bcx copies. This is a card that wins me low mana matches all the time and sooner rather than later will be outrageous in price due to the scarcity it has. Sitting around $2.48, I can easily see this card doubling by the time land 1.5 comes around.

Rare Alpha Cerberus (13)


Probably one of the best low mana tanks in the game is the cerberus card. Self heal and three melee attack at one bcx with the tarsa or malric buff is a must have card in the wild format in my opinion. Gaining a buff such as retaliate can be quite nice at the higher levels but even one bcx can be deadly in certain rulesets. Currently, there are only 13 on the market with four of those being multiple bcx copies. The three headed monster is at around $7 a bcx right now however was up as high as $10 two months ago. Another card that seems to have quite a nice upside for the future.

Epic Defender of Truth (5)

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The defender was nothing fantastic in my opinion until rathe came into play as a summoner. At level three, the defender adds protect adding even more void armor making it even harder for your opponent to deal with your tanks. Add on the two magic damage and it is quite a nice low mana support monster adding to other support cards such as the crystalsmith and divine healer. a whopping five copies remain for this card currently with only one on the market at one bcx. Usually hovering around $11 per bcx, the defender has seen values as high as $17 one month ago. Another card to add to the watchlist for land and ranked play in my opinion.

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It is pretty clear that the market for alpha cards is continuing to shrink and that is only amplified by the price of alpha packs and the opportunity with bulk purchases of these. With such high values of all cards, ten alpha packs could make you an alarming $1,000 of profit if you just received the average pulls. The team has continued to dump value into these cards and land has been no different. IF you are looking for a relatively safe investment in cards for splinterlands, it would seem alpha cards could be the way to go. As a reminder, this is not investment advice and please upvote or comment if you have any other targets for alpha cards.


Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

A lot of aspects regarding the game is going to change in the coming days. Can't wait for the land to go live into production!
