How to beat Obsidain: Low cost rental strategy for bronze and silver

How to Beat Obsidian.png

There was recently a splintertalk post that broke down data showing the best summoners for certain rulesets. What a great resource for us as players! While breaking this down further, I noticed obsidian has the edge in 18 out of 33 rulesets listed. Magic is definitely strong in lower leagues but I rarely play obsidian and still have a decent win rate. Below I have broken down a few strong plays against obsidian. For brevity’s sake, this is in a matchup without rulesets. If I included every ruleset this was be a really long article. You can apply these three strategies across those rulesets though depending on what the ruleset calls for.

Thaddius: This is a great strategy against obsidian in low mana matchups. Windiku up front for thorns damage to unicorn. Then we will have a combo of either sneak or snipe damage depending on the ruleset. Silent Sha-Vi along with undead badger and uraeus for sneak play. Twisted Jester and death elemental for snipe play. Rental cost for this would be around .6 dec per day currently.

Kelya: Water is better to use in mid to high mana matchups given the overwhelming melee damage it can bring. The best tank to use is demonshark given the high health and shield against the unicorn. Monsters in the back are opportunity and sneak focused. These would include deeplurker, pelacor bandit, uraeus, feasting seaweed, and parasitic growth. A more expensive strategy you could also use is with oshannus, captains ghost with affliction, and deeplurker in the back. The rental strategy for each of the strategies above is .3 dec per day and 1.6 dec per day respectively.

Lorna Shine: Lorna is very underrated in bronze and silver leagues as the extra hit is very helpful in almost all rulesets. Against obsidian, I like to use shieldbearer or elven defender as a tank with snipe and range damage in the backline. She is best used in mid to high mana matchups. Snipe damage comes from loan boatmen, silvershield sheriff, and mantoid. Range damage comes from pelacor arbilist and venari crystalsmith with the heal. A lineup for a high mana build would look like this. Elven defender, loan boatmen, mantoid, silvershield sheriff, pelacor arbilist, and shieldbearer in the back. Rental cost for this lineup would be .13 dec per day.

Each of these strategies has their downfalls depending on the ruleset however are very effective in the mana cost mentioned above. Hopefully, this helps you all get past obsidian no matter the ruleset and climb out of that pesky bronze league. Please upvote if you enjoyed this content. I will include a full battle breakdown using these strategies round by round with images if this would be helpful for some.


Do you have the link to the post for the best summoners for the ruleset? Seems like an interesting read!


I tried to go back in splintertalk and find it and I could not. If you look at trendings posts you may be able to find it there.
