Lorna Shine: Queen of Low Mana

Lorna Shine Queen of Low Mana.png

In this post, we will look at two battles where lorna shine and the life team get me the win in a low mana battle. I have had a great win rate with this strategy as the extra hits from divine shield is often the difference. Links for the full battles will be below.

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Here we face a common matchup in low mana matchups for bronze and silver. Thaddieus with windiku and sneak monster in back is what I see alot of and has a good win rate when not facing the lorna strategy.


This is a painful battle to watch for my opponent. By round 4, there has been five misses along with two divine shields on my monsters. As things continue, the misses continue and ultimately lead to me winning my a small margin.


  1. In this battle, we show the power of lorna a little more. Earth's thorn monster is also a common play in low mana matchups. Let us see how this goes


My gargoya scrapper does its job and takes up a few hits from my opponent. In round 2, I am able to eliminate my opponent's magic monster and the game is pretty much over. My backline has recieved no hits and my conjurer has good health. It is all over after round 3.


I hope you can see how powerful lorna is in low mana matchups. The rental cost for her is quite low at around .2 DEC/day and I find my rentals do not get revoked too often when renting her. If you enjoyed the content, please upvote or comment below.


  1. https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_37cd847ebfc7c028649578c25c47749d&ref=bluedevil0722

  2. https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_905ace3b5a0852baeac69fb128ffe44e&ref=bluedevil0722

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This is an excellent strategy! Especially against those fucking Earth players...i hate those guys
