Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Ranking Soulkeep Rulesets by Difficulty
Hello! This post is for Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! For this week, I will be mainly discussing and rank the rulesets in Soulkeep tournaments by difficulty. Because of a recent change, the rulesets are now random and the rulesets became more important because some rulesets are (exponentially) harder than others.
What are Rulesets?
Rulesets are a part of Soulkeep's Tournament feature, which gives out Daily SPS by playing 2 random maps. As already mentioned, there are 9 of them. Each attempt, 2 rulesets will be randomly selected, and the bonus map will add another ruleset, which intends to make the game harder.
List of rulesets
There aren't a list of rulesets, so I gathered information and found out all the rulesets. 9 is not a lot, so I think that Soulkeep team should add more to make it more exciting.
Asides from Spell/Tower Freezer, the other rulesets increase a certain part of the game by %, which are randomly decided before the game starts. It stacks over round, meaning it gets really high when you have big multipliers like 20% or more.
Now, I will talk more about each ruleset, starting with the easiest ruleset.
9th: Can't Slow Me!
Ok but what if it doesn't matter
Can't Slow me gives fiends Resistance from Slow or Stun each round. This can be critical with high multipliers, which they usually come often. But, you can simply dodge this by not using any towers that has Slow or Stun, which are mostly not that good anyway. You can even use Spells like Kansas Twist/Backslider I guess? However, if you also have Speedster, this ruleset can be tough.
- Answer: Don't use Slow and Stun towers
8th: Mightier
500 + 2% More health
Mightier is a simple ruleset that gives fiends more health each round. I am kind of be under-looking this ruleset, but I think it ranks below Ever-Armor and Magic Dispeller, which does similar things. At least in lower leagues like 1~3. As you climb higher, your tower's damage increases, but fiend's health also increases too. This means that the boss fiends will get significant increase in health.
However, this often comes with low multiplier, meaning that it needs to snowball into the later rounds to actually impact the game. Even than, it means that you mostly need 1~2 more hits for basic fiends.
- Answer: Use stronger towers
7th: Ever-Armor
When you only use Magic Towers
Ever-Armor gives fiends Physical Resistance, meaning that it would reduce the amount of damage from tower/spell with Physical Attack. This means that fiends with Magic Resistance likes this ruleset (there are only 2 types of attacks). But, the common fiends with magic resistance does not appear until League 3! One downside is that most Physical Towers are cheaper than Magical Towers, meaning that you can lose some mana, and Voodoo also will not proc often.
- Answer: Use Magic Attackers
6th: Magic Dispeller
Cauldron Dweller likes this ruleset
This is just a Magic version of Ever-Armor. The reason that this is more harder is simply because of Cauldron Dweller, which already has high Physical Resistance. This makes them more annoying to deal with. Also, strong towers like Quad Killer(S Tier), Jack's Joke(A Tier Splash) are mostly Magical Towers. Comparing to Mightier, it is around the same difficulty, but the resistance rulesets often gets much diverse multipliers up to 10%!
- Answer: Use Physical Attckers
5th: Spawnier
Decrease wait time
Literally, Spawnier reduces time between each burst of fiends (cooldown), meaning that fiends will be spawning more faster, in clumps. Although it can be devastating with Speedster/Mightier, Splash Towers do their work well in this ruleset. Some maps are really hard with this ruleset, especially League 1's 8 Round map and League 3's Living Artillery.
- Answer: Use Splash Towers
4th: Tower Freezer
Tower Freezer locks one random type of tower each round that has at least 1 use left, which can be same from the previous one. That means that you cannot use at least 1 tower from your selection of towers. This all depends on RNG, so if you have good luck, this is more easier. Also, you can get from 3 to 5 Tower slots available each game, and if you have 5, it is pretty easy. However, if you have 3, it is going to be a nightmare.
- Solution: Use Towers with high use / Good luck!
3rd: Spell Freezer
Similarly, Spell Freezer locks 1 Spell with 1 or more use left each round. However, Spells that were previously used but not activated can still activate. For example, if your Venus Flytrap does not get activated last round, you can still use it even if Venus Flytrap is locked this round.
The reason that it is more difficult than Tower is that the must-include Spells, Heartgiver and Mana Mania, are vulnerable to this. Heartgiver only has 1 use, meaning that after it is used, it will just lock a spell slot, and Mana Mania must be used to gain more points. If Mana Mania is locked, which has higher chance because of Heartgiver, and has even higher chance with 3 slot, you do not have a good chance of getting high points.
- Solution: GL
2nd: Speedster
More Speed
Speedster simply increases fiend's speed. The reason that this is so hard is that as a tower defense game, this means that you have less time to hit the fiends basically. Especially combined with other critical rulesets, you can be swarmed easily even if you had a perfect run. You can use Kansas to slow them down, but it costs you a Spell slot.
- Solution: Kansas Twist
1st: Better Ability
50%~ of my Defeats are because of this...
Better ability makes the special abilities like Healing, Spawning and Freezing occur more faster. The reason this ranks 1st is that it has a crazy percentage increase, and I saw around 30% in one of my runs. This makes the Spawning fiends especially more stronger, as they spawn a TON of fiends. This means that you need a better understanding at each maps to specifically target spawning units when this pops up.
- Solution: High DMG, Talentless, Learn the map
So, these are my opinions about the rulesets. Keep in mind that this is my personal opinion, and I judged the rulesets based on the leagues that I played mostly, which are Leagues 1, 2 and 3. It might be different in the more higher leagues!
Thanks to all the people that read this post!
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All images are used from Splinterland.
Thanks for sharing! - @underlock

Good post!