Driving away bots or new player?


There has been mixed reactions towards the rewards update

Seem devs find a way to significantly slow down this bot farms yet
new players has also been hit.

I started playing 13th of August 2021

so after almost 3 seasons of playing im @ 1545 power
btw i have 4 accounts so if im having 1 account its like 385 collection power for 3 seasons haha will take forever to break bronze 2 on power requirements

(so the game wants you to either play multiple accounts or invest on the overpriced market)

so i check the market for some easy power cause i dont have much to invest

geez came back to farming alts

those changes are kinda fair cause my problem is mostly this collection power requirement

since renting and owning cards are expensive plus the rewards cards and upcoming chaos legion cards have significantly lower power than the older cards.

So hoping the power requirements on modern rank battles is significantly lower that the wild rank battles.

all for today peace out @ shinhiko

