Flying Above the Carnage - Using Dragons in Battle!


This week's Share Your Battle challenge is one that I always enjoy seeing - using cards from the Dragon splinter! The Dragon splinter has a wide variety of cards worthy of showcasing, and it is fun to be able to pick and choose any of them to share this week. And it turned out that the battle I selected has not one, but two Dragon cards - this time, we'll be pairing Brighton Bloom with Carnage Titan!

Both of these cards can be very useful in the proper conditions, as we will see today. Brighton Bloom is an excellent utility summoner providing an ability which can come in handy in many situations, and Carnage Titan is an amazing melee attacker, combining Double Strike attacks with much more health than you would expect from a Reach monster.

If you wanted to jump right to the action, the Battle Link is right here. Want to hear some more about the lineup? Read on further!


Here is the ruleset for our battle. Whenever I see the Earthquake ruleset, one of the first things that comes to mind is that I should consider using a Dragon summoner. And in this case, we happen to have lucked out and the Dragon splinter was indeed available as an option!

As mentioned, we were fighting with the Earthquake ruleset for this battle. Brightoon Bloom is an excellent choice for most Earthquake battles, since his Flying ability will allow our entire team to avoid all Earthquake damage.

I started my team with my tank and secondary tank. Living Lava is solid as a primary tank, since its Shield will help it stand up to heavy melee and ranged attacks. Thanks to the Weak Magic ruleset, it will even be slightly resistant to magic! Carnage Titan is our co-guest star of the week, and brings quite a lot to the table. With Reach and Double Strike it is the perfect off-tank, and as an added bonus it has enough durability to take a lot of hits - that 7 armor and 8 health is super solid, especially with Weak Magic.

As you can see, the tanks at the front took up most of my available mana for the match - my game plan was for Brighton to protect my monsters from Earthquake while the pair of enormous monsters at the front chew through my opponent's lineup. With some of mana I had left I squeezed in Serpentine Spy - it is a relatively good deal with 2 sneak damage for 3 mana. I wasn't expecting it to be particularly impactful, but if I was lucky it might be able to get an attack or two in and hit something important.

After the two tanks and Serpentine Spy I was just about out of mana. I threw in Scorch Fiend and Chaos Agent at the back as some extra meat shields. They most likely would not be dishing out any damage, but they might be able to soak up a bit of damage from the rear and buy more time for the rest of my monsters.


With the lineup set, it's off into battle! When I see the selected teams I am hopeful - I only see one monster with Flying on the other side of the battlefield, meaning that if the battle goes on for more than a couple of rounds then Earthquake will be steadily tilting the tables in my favor. On the other hand, my opponent has brought a team with much higher levels than me - unfortunately the Brighton Bloom I brought into battle was only level 1, limiting the level of my monster cards.

round 1.png

The opening rounds of the fight do not go well. All of my back and mid-line monsters die relatively quickly without dealing out much damage to the enemy team. What IS doing some serious damage. though, is Earthquake - by the start of round 3 all of my opponent's back monsters are nearly dead. My Living Lava and Carnage Titan are also getting some good hits in on my opponent's front line.

Round 3.png

By round 4 the battlefield is starting to clear up - there are only 2 monsters left on each side. And with Carnage Titan still on full health and dishing out the attacks from the second position, I like my chances!

Round 4.png

One more quick round and we've reached the end - Earthquake is about to take out my opponent's last monster, and my Carnage Titan is still at full health. And again, if you wanted to see the whole battle for yourself, you can see it right here.

round 5.png

My strategy for the battle worked out perfectly. Both of my Dragon cards were crucial in this battle - Brighton Bloom saved my team from all of the Earthquake damage each round while Carnage Titan worked with Living Lava to knock out my opponent's monsters with a heavy melee attack to the face. I am a big fan of both of these Dragon cards, and you can probably see why based on their impact in this battle. Unfortunately, I do not yet own a copy of either of these guys in my collection yet, but I plan on renting them out and using them frequently whenever the situation will allow for it!


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All images used in this article are open source and obtained from Pixabay or Unsplash. Thumbnails borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Canva.
