Acquiring the New Splinterlands Reward Cards


The Splinterlands team has just released the New Reward Cards for the Rebellion Edition and so now if you spend your Glint in the Shop you’ll start to pick some of them up. As I sit down to write this post I’ve accumulated 691,912 Glint to spend and have been waiting for this moment to start acquiring some of the new cards. But where do I start and how do I go about it...?


My playing deck for Splinterlands has been targeting the old Silver Tier for many years now so with these new reward cards that will be my goal too – Acquire and Upgrade the cards to Silver Tier. Having a look today there are 43 new reward cards and a total of 1126 BCX that I’d need to accumulate to get them all and upgrade them all to Max Silver. That’s a fair challenge but I need to start somewhere...

So the first question I am asking is should I be spending my Glint on Chests or Draws? Then should I be going for the Low End or the High End? My instinct is to start with the Chests as they are cheap and while they might return some scattergun type results it might also be the best bang for buck so lets give it a shot. For the sake of experimental integrity I am going to spend 45,000 Glint on each of the Minor, Major and Ultimate Chests and then I can compare the results.

This is what I spent :-

Ultimate Chests : 4,500 Glint each x 10 = 45,000
Major Chests : 1,000 Glint each x 45 = 45,000
Minor Chests : 200 Glint each x 225 = 45,000

This is what the Chests yielded :-

ItemUltimate ChestsMajor ChestsMinor Chests
Common Cards04253
Rare Cards8912
Epic Cards1130
Legendary Cards011
Alchemy Potions123837
Legendary Potions102348

So, there’s a decent comparison there between the Chests and I can now have a look to see what those cards would have cost me to pick up via the Draws. The Minor Chest card haul would have cost 51,950 Glint, the Major Chest card haul would have cost 70,550 Glint and the Ultimate Chest card haul would have cost 88,500 Glint. So all 3 of the Chests look like better bang for your Glint than the there are Merits, Energy and Potions thrown in on top when you spend your Glint on Chests instead of Draws.

It is a little bit hard to filter our the natural variance of randomness, but it does look like the Major Chests is where I want to be spending my Glint. There appears to be a good proportion of the right rarities for me to build up a full set of cards without overstocking at the high, or low end. Lets see how I go...


Okay yeah. This was incredibly helpful. Thanks :)


Always tough deciding what to spend it on first, I always get a few gladius packs and then go for chests


Normally I go with the Major draw or the rare draw (in previous cards it was helpful to get the summoner cards).
