sharing my battle an earth vs death clash of wills

So Hello again my name is butops and welcome to my new social media challenge post of the week

This week we shall do some highlights of my battles here in splinterlands. We can only do 1 because there is still the battle mage challenge later on the next post so without further ado please enjoy if you want a link to my battle in realtime heres the link

Also this is made live on stream at butopstv

So you know that I ain't cheating or plagiarizing anybody ok
lets do this so

my monsters used in this battle that are all owned

thaddius brood level 4


cursed windeku level 2


2nd position
Cabalist level 1 (i'm poor ok I dont have cash to buy anymore cards)


3rd position
fenmoor haunt gold level 3


4th position
spirit hoarder level 2


5th position


helheim demon level 1


Round 1


My Helheim demon takes 1st attack with the enemy slipspawn taking 2 damage, the enemy hireling attacks my helheim demon because of its taunt taking in 1 damage


The enemy grund then attacks my wendiku for 6 damage but thanks to amplify gets equal thorns damage at the same time

My wendiku also follows up with 2 damage to the grund leaving it staggering at 2 hp meanwhile the fenmoor haunt does 2 damage to the slipspawn being taunted to attack at the back



simultaneous attacks at the helheim demon by the enemy slipspawn and chaos agent dwindles its HP to 4

my cabalist attacks the slipspawn dealing another 2 damage


the uraeus attacks alongside the spirit hoarder dealing 3 damage to the slipspawn leaving it at 1 hp while recovering 2 hp to the helheim demon


the round ends with the goblin psychic alongside the moxian rebel deal 3 damage to the helheim demon once more while recovering 3hp to the grund

Round 2


The round begins with the helheim demon finishing off the slipspawn


the enemy hireling deals one damage meanwhile the wendiku and grund go for the double KO on themselves


the fenmoor deals 2 damage to the goblin psychic
while the cabalist finishes of the scavo hireling


chaos agent deals 1 damage to my helheim demon
while the uraeus finishes off the goblin psychic with a timed strike


the spirit hoarder finishes off the moxian rebel
with round 3 beginning and ending with the helheim demon dealing the final blow on the chaos agent


netting me a quick victory in only 3 rounds

so what have I learned here well for starters it teaches the importance of having a taunt with a support triage in battle
it makes the battle longer and also makes sure your other units deal with the enemy while they are focusing on my taunt card leaving them open to be destroyed......

Ok now that was long well kinda we still have part 2 on the battle mage challenge so we moving on that after this
so I hope you learned something today
hey if you who are just new to the game are interested to play splinterlands though heres my referral link to the site dont worry this is the real link so i assure you its not a virus link

So this ends my post for this week well theres still that other one so this will be posted simultaneously in between 1 to 2 hours from making this post

so this has been butops

have a nice day

also its my birthday
send some card or pack gifts to

ign: butops

hey im just hoping you know hehehehehehe
but seriously it is my birthday

well its the 19th in the ph but
its still 18th in the other side of the world so it still counts ahahahaha
