Splinterlands - My First Experience at Silver II


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I started a journey into the Silver II league four days ago, which I detailed HERE. Read on to see how the rental investment experiment is treating me four days in.

The Quest

Splinterlands greeted me this morning with a Death Quest. I am trying to get better with the Death splinter, but I don't have a solid Death lineup and didn't feel up to the challenge this morning. I took a risk and requested a different challenge.

Option two was Earth and, with little choice after declining the first option, dove in head first. My Earth lineup is level one, but I still feel it matches well against most splinters. Here are a few of the cards I often turn to.

Thorns helps me worry less about melee teams being able to tear through my lineup
Silence helps negate Obsidian's plus one magic
Double Strike is not always the best option, especially if my opponent uses Mylor, but fun to watch when it works. Pairs well with Mycellic Slipspawn to lure attackers away.
Goblin Psychic_lv1.pngWood Nymph_lv1.png
Tank heal helps keep Grund, or Unicorn Mustang, fighting up front longer

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A Great Start


At least that is how I felt when I started off with six straight wins. One of the wins I used the fire splinter, but the other five were with Earth and I had completed my quest like that. I don't remember ever finishing my quest this quickly. I was starting to think Silver II was a cake walk and that I had this game down.

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The Rewards

My luck must have been spent on the first six battles, because my chests were similar to the last two days. A legendary potion, seven DEC and a Pelacor Conjurer. I'm always happy to add a card, and more CP, to my collection, but my investment experiment of having the extra chest a day pay off the extra rental fees continues to be a failure.

I'm holding out hope that I'm saving my good luck up in a chest down the road. If it is all building up for my first reward legendary card, then a few days wait will be worth it 😀 Maybe tomorrow will turn the corner?

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Put Back in My Place

On a high of six wins, thinking I could do no wrong, Splinterlands smacked me back down in my place. I went on to lose the next eight battles. Not eight, maybe I could have won if the RNG had gone my way here and there, kind of loses. Smacked down, no doubt about it , I have no idea what I'm doing and don't belong here losses.

Up to this point I hadn't seen much difference between Silver III and Silver II. I had been squaring off against level two and three decks, and even quite a few level one decks. During this eight battle run, I saw level four summoners, leveled up legendaries and just about every other combo that could destroy me. I felt like the gentleman being fed on by Parasitic Growth.

Every ruleset felt like it was working against my strengths and highlighting my weaknesses. And there are still plenty of weaknesses in my collection. I tried not to get frustrated as the losses piled up and attempted to use the experience as a lesson in where I can focus on improving my deck.

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Beyond the Economics

I'm finding it harder and harder each day to look beyond the economics as the chests continue to be losses (compared to the extra rental fees versus Silver III). My win rate today was 45.8%, the lowest I have had in quite some time. I am still at 54.8% in Silver II battles, but my season win rate, now at 56.46%, took a hit today. I know that three days and nine chests is not a fair representation of what to expect, but I'm living in the moment not the long term statistics 😀

I enjoy getting an extra chest each day, but at the end of the day it is gamble if you are having to rent to get that chest. I can live with that for the sheer enjoyment of the game, because at the end of the day that's what it is, a game. Sure it would be nice if some of my statistical gambles paid off, but I'm still enjoying myself. Maybe the payout from these posts will help cover some of the losses 😀

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Card images from Splinterlands
Banner created by me using Canva

Thanks for reading!

If you would like to use my affiliate link to experience the fun Splinterlands has to offer, here you go. Thanks in advance!
