Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge - Xenith Archer


Share Your Battle - Xenith.png

Splinterlands — Neutral monsters offer a world of possibilities

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Neutral like Switzerland

Neutral cards can be the key to a higher winning percentage. Because they can be played with any splinter they are a great way to increase the strength of your deck without having to worry about not being able to play them. Xenith Archer fits an even larger niche as it costs only two mana and can attack from the back. Halfling Alchemist and Battering Ram are the only other two Neutral cards that also fit this mold.


Xenith Archer can be played with any summoner, minus the pesky Taking Sides ruleset which eliminates the ability to play Neutral cards. That bein said there are two summonsers that I tend to use Xenith with the most often, Thaddius Brood and General Sloan. Sloan is a fairly obvious choice with the plus one range attack buff, but the main reason I use both of these summoners with Xenith is because I tend to use both of them for lower mana battles where Xenith's two mana cost is a great benefit.

Death has a plethora of solid low mana cards. Add in Xenith and you can assemble a solid team for under 20 mana
Once Sloan hits level three there are some very solid low mana strategies. Add in the plus one range buff and Xenith becomes a large part of this synergy

Key Players

This comes down to your particular strategies, but Xenith works well as either a throw away meat shield because you have two mana left or a key piece of a low mana team. It is the low mana synergies that I will choose to focus on below.

Really any of the Fiends work well to assemble a low mana team. The chicken fits here here as well. A Fiend and Xenith fills two slots for only two mana.
Once Pelacor with level four it not only has flight to help dodge attacks but also magic reflect. This can be a great low mana tank, especially if you suspect magic is coming your way. If you dodge a couple attacks it keeps Xenith tucked away for that much longer.
Another two mana card that can attack from the back.
Another two mana card, that at level two gains Amplify. Once paired with Conjurer a solid low mana front has now been assembled to protect Xenith.
Another synergy with Sloan but this adds Tank Heal to keep the front going long enough that a range attacker doesn't become hamstrung in the front.

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The Battles

This battle is a perfect example of how I like to use my new level three Sloan. Dax gives Conjurer extra bite, Venari helps keep Conjurer around longer and Sloan adds a buff to two range attackers. All this for 16 mana!
This battle offered a touch higher mana count, but still low enough that I wasn't concerned my opponent would be able to bring out the big guns.

How did it go?

1️⃣ This battle went exactly according to plan. Magic reflect, tank heal, amplify and buffed ranged attacks all had a part to play.

2️⃣ Xenith ended up falling without getting an attack off, but it was able to take a hit away from the other cards which ended up being the difference in this battle.

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Wrap Up

Xenith Archer is a card worth leveling up and keeping in your back pocket. Low mana battles or instances where you have two mana left and need a back line attacker are the best opportunities to use the card. I don't often like relying on ranged attackers as they cannot attack once in the first position, but this card synergizes well with several plays that it should not be overlooked out of fear of it being the last card left and a sitting duck.


🐲 Splinterlands 🐲


Card Images property of Splinterlands

Thumbnail created by me at Canva

Thanks for reading!


It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem
