It's a great day to Create a Guild


Hello Splinterlands Fam,

I know, what does that mean? Let me explain:

I bought 20K DEC from 0.0008. And I was searching for cards to buy, etc. then I remembered, The price of creating a Guild is 10K DECs. I went to the Guilds page and check, it was still the same. Can you believe it: It costs $8 to create a guild now.

The fact is I'm already a part of a solid Guild, it's not a good decision to leave a well-built Guild and start from scratch. So I asked my wife that if she wants to create a guild I can fund it 😁 She said yes untitled.gif

So I transfered the DEC to her and she created a Guild (Well, I created it for her because she doesn't want to take the responsibility 😅) Right now, I'm planning it to be a family guild. I already added my brothers account that he doesn't use, hope I'll convince him now maybe 😃.

With this post, I also urge you to go create your own guild if you think about future and you think you'll play more in the future! I heard that thing from @yabapmatt I think in recent Town Halls that Guilds will have connection to land plots 😉

Thanks for reading! Take care!

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