Splinterlands: Weekly Battle mage secrets submission with the Theme Fab Four

Hello splinterlands gaming world!

This is my weekly battle maze sacred submission with the theme FAB FOUR Nowadays new ruleset are revealing in daily focus chest like Fab Four, Five Alive, Reach and Shades of Gray. It was also a similar battle in which I had to battle with only four Monsters. Splinterlands season is also about to end. There is nothing to do more with new changes. Again going to finish the season with a maximum 30 season reward. To be honest, in this season most of my energy is wasted. I could not get more chances to battle more. Meanwhile I unlocked Champion League but it is just for rating. No Leagues are determined with new changes. One thing that consoles me is owning Doctor Blight. It was a battle with back to basic ruleset, so I was careful while choosing my summoners and monsters.


It was 53 Mana game play so I was ready to use double buffs based summoner in six mana. Actually I wanted to use scattershot of Conqueror the Jacek in back to basics ruleset. Like wise it is my favourite summoner that mostly I use in various battle ruleset. Two additional speed always help. Adding one more swiftness card brings more value. Three Stun monsters blunt the opposition team. Conqueror the Jacek a `legendary` seven Mana summoner from **Riftwatcher** edition. This legendary summoner comes with three special abilities like **Piercing, Scattershot** and two additional speeds. Due to Reach I was eligible to use any Melee card at 2nd position.

In the back to basics rule set, all Monsters become inactive with their abilities but one can use the ability of summoners. It was 53 Mana game play but only four slots can be used due to the Fab Four ruleset. I was facing magic additional summoner, so it was difficult task for me to survive. My opposition team was using a back line low health monster. Aimless Ability of summoner did very well and got rid from them. I got three rule set in this battle and four splinters were active.

Back to Basics

This battle ruleset is part of the gameplay and one has to perform well by using skill because in this ruleset we do not get Buffs and Dbuffs from monsters. Yes we can use the Buffs of Summoners.

There are pretty good reachability monsters in card wallet but with rich rules at anyone can use any Melee monster at second position.

Fab Four
In the normal battle ruleset we can use a maximum of six cards. But with Fab Four ruleset only four slots can be used. It means despite high Mana gameplay one has to choose only four monsters.

What would be your reaction if you got 53 Mana to choose only four monsters? It was back to the basics rule set including Fab Four and Reach. It Took 40 seconds to choose my summoner. This time I did not pay attention towards Kelya Frendul and Quix the Davious rather decided to use Conqueror the Jacek. Actually I do not want to attack front position monsters as most of the players use high health monsters at first position in the back to basics rule set. I wanted to attack my enemy team randomly by using a scattershot of Conqueror Jacek. This plan worked very well and my team was able to damage back line low health monsters. First and second position I decided to use high health monsters Lurker and Grum Flameblade. Rest of the two monsters were magic monsters. I was not worried about Melee monsters as I was getting piercing ability from summoner.


This is one of the most useful Legendary monster from Fire unit. I placed this Monster at first position due to its pretty good health, attack and armor. This is one of the most effective Melee monster with special abilities like Bloodlust, Giantkiller, Void Armor and Void ability. Although these abilities were inactive due to back to basics ruleset, it is an impressive monster with high health and armor. Two more additional abilities in the form of Aimless and Piercing from summoner's buffs. It was a high Mana battle game ruleset, so its high health and armor were going to be effective. Likewise in back to basics ruleset high health and armor based monsters always prove best option.


This is a great Legendary card that only costs 11 mana. It has two abilities of its own at one level, Taunt and Dodge. But because I have used it level 3 in this battle, it has another ability which is phase. All these abilities belong to Lurker but due to ruleset, these abilities were inactive. At level 3, it does 5 Melee attacks with 4 attacking speed. And it has a total of 12 health. This card is mostly used from the first position, as it cannot attack from any position other than the first position except under certain rules like Reach, super sneak and Melee Myhem . While due to the one rule of the battle , it will have one more ability which is Reach. That's why I placed this Monster at second position. There was specific reason behind it. I was getting 5 Melee attacks, 12 health and pretty speed.


Although I was using a single level of this legendary, there was no role of abilities. It is 11 Mana legendary monster from Fire unit with three armor, 10 health, 3 Magic attack and single speed. Basically I was using due to its pretty health and three magic attack in the back to basics ruleset. It's single ability Void was inactive but two additional abilities Aimless and Piercing were active due to Conqueror the Jacek's buffs. It was not a Melee card, so there was no use of Reach ability. I placed this legendary monster at third position so that it can provide extra time to Dijinn for attack.


This Epic monster is on my favorite list. Mostly I use this monster with Conqueror the Jacek. It is a magic monster from Fire unit. Its Mana cost is 7, attacking ability and speed is four , health is just 4 at level 5. It also comes with Stun ability. In knockout battle ruleset Stun ability always play an important role. Giant Killer is another specific ability of this monster. No doubt I was not going to use these abilities due to back to basic ruleset but I was using it for its four magic attacks. It's low health is always concerned fear with the opponent's opportunity monsters. But in this battle I was not going to Target from Sach Monsters as one can use only Reach Melee monsters. I placed this Monster at last position due to its pretty good magic attack.




For this battle my strategy and plan was clear. I wanted to use high health monsters in 53 Mana gameplay. Only for slots were active, so high health and armor based monsters are going to crucial for the battle. I wanted to use high health Melee Monster at first position and also my plan was using a reach ability Melee monster at second position.
I found Grum Flameblade and Coeurl Lurker the most appropriate monster for this gameplay.

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Thanks for your valuable time..
Keep On Battling
Have a nice day..


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