Splinterlands: Weekly battle mage secrets submission with the Theme HOLY PROTECTION

Hello splinterlands fam!
This is my weekly battle mage secrets submission with the Theme HOLY PROTECTION



I was checking out the stats of all Monster from all sprinters, then I found that there is only 7 monster with Holy protection ability.
In Fire unit, there is no Holy protection ability monster. There are three monster in Life unit having Holy protection ability. These are Pelacor Conjurer, Sacred Unicorn, Bila the Radiant and summoner Lorna Shine.
In Death Splinter there is only single monster with Holy protection ability in the form of Zyriel.
Earth splinter provides 2 monster Kron the Undying and Spirit Shaman with Holy protection ability.
Dragon unit provide only single monster Robo Dragon Knight with Holy protection.
Neutral splinter and water Splinter have no monster with Divine Shield ability.
From Dice Edition there is only single summoner with Holy protection ability..
So, it was the statics about the Monsters and summoner that provide Holy protection ability.


This is the ability that irritates a lot to the opponent while battling in low mana gameplay. You must have seen while in low Mana gameplay, mostly I like to use Dice Edition summoner Lorna Shine. With Holy protection all Monsters get Divine shield that ignores first attack from opposition team.


For this battle only Death ,Fire and Earth unit were active. Already there was magic lost battle ruleset, so I decided to use Melee and range monster. For that I chosen TARSA as my Melee additional summoner from Fire unit. This is a rare Chaos Legion Edition Rare summoner that provides two buffs Additional Melee attack and additional health to all monster.

Edition - Chaos Legion
Rarity- Rare
Splinter- Fire
Price- $0.55
It's Mana cost is just 4 and with the Chaos Legion Edition we started to get summoners with more than one buffs in low Mana.


It was just 26 Mana Gameplay in which three rules where active in the form of holy protection, unprotected and lost magic. Three Splinter Death, Fire and water were active. Mostly I use Death unit, when I have to battle against magic monster. It was magic lost ruleset so, there was no sense to use Thaddius Brood. Obsidian was another summoner that I mostally use to utilise magic Monsters. Magic Monsters were not available for the battle, so I decided to use Tarsa as my summoner.



With this ruleset all monsters get Divine Shield that ignores first attack of the opponent team.


All Monsters are not going to get any Armor from their own stats or from the summoners.


Magic Monsters maybe not available for this battle, one have to battle with Range and Melee Monsters.


Magic Monsters were not available so my priority was to make a balanced combination with Range and Melee attack Monsters. To use of Range Monster, there was a single reason to use their blast ability as I have some good range monster in my Fire unit.
I was using Tarsa so decided to use for many Monsters and to range monster.
Due to Holy protection, I decided to use at least three monster with blast ability. I think it was a nice idea to use Three Monster with blast ability.
I quickly wanted to remove Holy protection from opponent's monster that's why I chosen another card with Redemption ability. You will see that it was Blast and Redemption that helped me alot for comprehensive win against strong opponent.
Now let's see my lineup
Fast second and third position was secured for Exploding Rat, Cerberus and Uraeus Melee Monster . In middle I decided to use to Blast ability Range Monsters Fire Elemental and Fire DEMON. At last position again I was using Melee monster Kobold Miner.
Thus it was my team combination with that I was in the battle field against strong opposition.


Exploding rats This card is only 4 mana because this battle is only 26 mana battle, so I put this card in the first place. This card has only one ability of its own which is Blast. But because I used it at level 6 in this battle, it has another ability, which is Redemption. In this battle, it is doing three melee attacks with 7 attacking speed, it has only one health. In Blast Ability, when this card attacks any card of the opposing team, it also deals additional damage to the card just behind that card. In Redemption Ability, when this card is eliminated, it deals one damage to all the cards of the opposing team. Due to the battle rule, it has the Divine shield ability, in which the first attack on this card of the opponent's monster is ignored.


In second place I put Cerberus from my favorite card. Which is of 4 mana. Because I used it level 5 in this battle so it is doing three melee attack with four attacking speed it has two ability of it's own first one is Heal, second one is Retaliate. Because in this battle I have used TARSA summoner which increases the Melee of all partner cards. That's why Cerberus is doing 4 Melee attacks in this battle. Due to the Battle Rule, it has the Divine shield ability, in which the first attack by the opposing team will not deal any damage. It has the Heal ability, which keeps increasing its health every round. The Retaliate ability, when someone makes a Melee attack on it, it immediately attacks that person, regardless of its position.


Uraeus is considered the best card for less mana. And in battles where cards of low mana are used, you will naturally find this card. This card is of 3 mana. At level 5, it makes 2 Melee attacks with 4 Speed. It has four health and one shield. Due to Tarsa, it is doing 3 Melee attacks in this battle. It has two abilities of its own in this battle. The first one is SNEAK, in which it will attack the last card of the opposing team. And the other is Poison. That is, when this card attacks a card, it will leave poison on it. Due to which that card of the opposing team will continue to take two damage at the beginning of each round. Due to the battle rule, it also has the Divine shield ability, in which the first attack on it by the opposing team will deal zero damage. This card can attack from any position. I have placed this card at the third position.


Fire elemental one of my favorite range attacker. This card is of 5 mana. I have used this card in level 6. So it is doing three ranged attacks with five attacking speed, it has three health. Since it is a ranged attack, it is capable of attacking from any position other than the first position. This card has two abilities of its own, the first one is Blast. The second is Affliction. In the Affliction ability, when a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed. When this card attacks someone in Blast Ability, the card just after it will also take additional damage. I put this card on the fourth position.


Fire Demon is a card of four mana. Makes three ranged attacks with 3 attacking speed at level 4 and has five health. It has only one ability of its own called Blast. In which when this card attacks a card, then the card immediately next to that card also gets additional damage. Because it does range attack that's why I put it at number five. Because it can attack from any place other than the first place. Being placed at the fifth position, it will get maximum chances to attack. This card also has the Divine shield ability.


Kobold Miner is my favorite card. And it only costs 2 mana. This card I used is level 5 so it does two Melee attacks with three Speed. But due to Tarsa it is doing 3 Melee attacks in this battle. It has 5 health. It has its own sneak ability in which it attacks the last card of the opposing team. This card also has the divine shield ability, in which the first attack on it by the opposing team will deal 0 damage. Because it has the Sneak ability, it can attack from any position.









When I saw the Holy protection battle ruleset, then I decided to use some special card which could prove to be extra effective. My first priority was blast ability Monsters and second priority was using at least one monster with Redemption ability. I wanted to have a perfect team combination that's why I chosen 4 Melee Monster and two Range monster. I placed blast ability range monster in the middle to protect them. I quickly wanted to apply Redemption that's why I placed Exploding Rat at first position. After that a tank heal Monster at second position in the form of Cerberus.
I was thinking that Exploding Rat has pretty good speed and if it able to attack first then would be able to apply blast, then it will remove Holy protection from at least 2 opponent Monsters. If this monster got damaged then also able to remove Holy protection from all opponent's Monsters. Similar thing was happened in battle and I got the same result what I was expected from this combination.
So I can say that my strategy and plan worked very well. Sure with the new ruleset, everyone have to change their strategy and plan according to that.

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PS- images/stickers taken and edited with Picsart/pixelLab
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It is taken just for post purpose..

Thanks for your valuable time..
Keep On Battling
Have a nice day..



good win your beta cards always so good!


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