Splinterlands Daily Quest Log: Day 7

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I can not believe that this is day seven of me writing these daily quest articles! I mean it feels like just last week that I started this series... Excuse my bad jokes! Anyway, my daily quest today was to get five wins with the fire splinter and it took me eleven battles to do so. Just under a 50 percent win rate is pretty par for the course so I am thrilled to have completed it with a decent win rate.

My wins for the daily quest were as

Win 1: Fire Splinter vs Fire Splinter
Win 2: Fire Splinter vs Water Splinter
Win 3: Fire Splinter vs Light Splinter
Win 4: Opponent Surrendered (gotta love free wins)
Win 5: Fire Splinter vs Death Splinter

For my reward I got a common reward card. I will take these reward cards everyday as they are just one step closer to getting out of bronze!

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This is a nice tanky threat that deals two damage which is important early. The biggest upside is that it has flying which is nice for added evasion!

Here is a recap of all my rewards for this week:

Twilight Basilisk, Venari Bonesmith, Venari Wavesmith, 11 DEC, Pelacor Bandit, Legendary Potion, and Pelacor mercany in that order! Three rare cards, two common cards, 11 DEC, and a Legendary Potion is not a bad haul. If there is one reward I wish I could reroll is the Legendary Potion.

If you want to follow the series here is the link to my daily quest log from yesterday!

Here is to hoping for a week that is just as good next week!
