The End


The world is a chaotic storm of disruption ... and we chefs conduct beauty in the madness and still deliver. Me... just another dad... a 9-5 trying to get out with crypto... bard that is slowly learning to be DPS now... I play #splinterlands because it a reminder of old Magic the Gathering for me. Blessed by the #pizza guild/network to be an officer for Pizza 2 Guild, something cherished to earned.

I'll be posting many things from different subjects and fields of either fun or life. Like this is the latest brawl report ...
image.png and unit wise we placed
image.png which I am very happy to report.

I'll end this with Happy Thanksgiving all, this year i brined a turkey over night for the first time. Man, it was juicy and great taste. Sorry no pics this year...I'm getting old and lazy, ha-ha!

Chef out of the kitchen...


Hello, @chefbgob! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome!

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities . I think you'll find these two particularly interesting to start off with -


HivePizza (I'm guessing you're already in their Discord but if you need the link to that as well, just shout out).

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide should be helpful to you, as it is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works. For instance, 3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive has lots of great info to get you started.

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

Since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

For now, @lovesniper will follow your account and we are looking forward to seeing your intro post. Also, please mention (also known as tagging) @traciyork & @lovesniper in your intro post in order for us to be notified, so we can consider your post for OCD curation. Lastly, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server if you have any questions!
