[Live] Not Making The Same Mistake Again

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Game (Category): Splinterlands

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I passed On My Last Snipe Quest

When we get a Splinter quest we would not rather do we can always pass on the first one and the system will randomly generate another quest.

Snipe quests are not really that bad. For the lower mana battles needing to include a snipe can ruin your lineup. The last time I passed I was stuck with a Death quest that tumbled me all the way down to Bonze3 and I am still working my way back to silver3.

This Time I Accepted The Quest

I am planning to do a lot of Dragon Splinter for this Snipe Quest. I have enlisted the help of the Byzantine Kitty, but for the lower mana fights, I have Brighton Bloom.

Yes I am giving away cards in the Live Stream so pop your ingame names in the chat when I prompt.

Thank you for sharing this with me.

This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv
