Battling a hard-to-defeat bot // Batallando con un bot difícil de derrotar


Killing the bot.jpg
Source | Image edited in Adobe Photoshop using elements from the game

Since I've been playing Splinterlands I've never faced a bot as difficult to defeat as this one, I've faced it in silver and once or once in bronze, but very few times I've beaten it, of course, the ruleset plays an important role in this, if you take advantage of it well it can bring benefit to your team. I have no idea how these bots are programmed, but there are some that present interesting strategies, we can even study them to use them in our favor. Maybe when you see it you will notice that you have already faced it or maybe not, so here you will see one of the ways in which it can be defeated with level 1 cards in case you have not been able to do it yet.

To begin with, this bot uses level 2 and level 3 gold cards, of the 6 he uses only two of them are at level 1, also combines very good skills, he has "Taunt", "Opportunist", "Trample", "Reach" to attack from the second position, "Sneak" and "Inspire" with which increases the physical attack of his allies in +1, apart from that with the help of his summoner increases the speed and provides them with armor.

Desde que estoy jugando Splinterlands jamás me había enfrentado a un bot tan complicado de derrotar como este, lo he enfrentado en plata y una que otra vez en bronce, pero muy poco le he ganado, claro está, las ruleset juegan un papel importante en esto, si se aprovechan bien pueden traer beneficio a tu equipo. No tengo idea como se programan estos bots, pero hay unos que presentan estrategias interesantes, incluso podemos estudiarlas para usarlas a nuestro favor. Quizás al verlo notaras que ya lo has enfrentado o puede que no, asi que aquí veraz una de las formas en que se puede derrotar con cartas de nivel 1 por si aún no has podido hacerlo.

Para comenzar, este bot usa cartas doradas de nivel 2 y nivel 3, de las 6 que usa solo dos de ellas estan al nivel 1, además combina muy buenas habilidades, tiene “Taunt”, “Oportunista”, “Pisotear”, “Alcanzar” para atacar desde la segunda posición, “Sneak” e “Inspire” con la cual aumenta el ataque físico de sus aliados en +1, aparte de eso con la ayuda de su invocador aumenta la velocidad y les proporciona armadura.


The battle condition for this fight was "Unprotected", something that benefited me more than him, since I wasn't wearing armor on any of my monsters. If you don't know, this condition removes armor and can't be obtained even by the summoner, already by there we have some advantage, although in my case that I will attack with magic doesn't benefit much to my attack, only on a card that has ranged and physical attack.

La condición de batalla para esta pelea fue “Unprotected”, algo que me beneficio más a mí que a él, ya que yo no estaba usando armadura en ninguno de mis monstruos. Si no lo sabes, esta condición elimina la armadura y no se puede obtener ni siquiera por el invocador, ya por allí tenemos algo de ventaja, aunque en mi caso que atacare con magia no beneficia mucho a mi ataque, solo en una carta que tiene ataque a distancia y físico.

Battle Link

The summoner I decided to use for this battle was Alric, I chose him to increase my team's magic attack by +1, I used Baakjira as a tank to counter his speed, Merdaali to heal my tank every turn, Coral Wraith to attack his monster in last position, Oshannus, War Chaang who has the "Retaliate" ability, with it he has the chance to counterattack once he receives damage from melee attacks, and lastly I used one of my favorite cards, Phantom of the Abyss, I left him in the last position because he has a good chance of dodging the opponent's physical attacks thanks to his ability and good speed.
El invocador que decidí usar para esta batalla fue Alric, lo escogí para aumentar el ataque mágico de mi equipo en +1, utilice a Baakjira como tanque para contrarrestar su velocidad, a Merdaali para sanar a mi tanque en cada turno, a Coral Wraith para atacar a su monstruo en última posición, a Oshannus, a War Chaang que tiene la habilidad de “Retaliate”, con ella tiene la probabilidad de contraatacar una vez recibe daño de ataques cuerpo a cuerpo, y por ultimo use a una de mis cartas favoritas, Phantom of the Abyss, lo deje en la última posición porque tiene muchas probabilidades de esquivar los ataques físicos rivales gracias a su habilidad y buena velocidad.

Mi equipo.png

The battle began and quickly my team focused the attack on his last card, Wave Brood, because with the ability of "Taunt" he directs all the attacks towards him, with his 13 life points he becomes a difficult opponent to beat, but as I was using good magic power I was able to eliminate him in the second round. This is one of the points to consider, if the ruleset does not affect his armor and we attack there with physical or ranged attacks he will be a very difficult target to beat, and that is key, we must finish him as soon as possible to be able to attack the other opponents, because with the physical attack that his team has he does too much damage, in three turns we can be finished easily, hence the importance of getting rid of his tank as quickly as possible.
La batalla comenzó y rápidamente mi equipo enfoco el ataque en su última carta, Wave Brood, ya que con la habilidad de “Taunt” direcciona todos los ataques hacia él, con sus 13 puntos de vida se vuelve un rival difícil de vencer, pero como yo estaba usando buen poder mágico lo pude eliminar en el segundo round. Este es uno de los puntos a considerar, si la ruleset no afecta su armadura y atacamos allí con ataque físico o a distancia será un blanco muy difícil de vencer, y eso es clave, debemos acabarlo cuanto antes para asi poder atacar a los demás rivales, ya que con el ataque físico que posee su equipo hace demasiado daño, en tres turno podemos estar acabados fácilmente, de allí la importancia de deshacernos de su tanque lo más rápido posible.


By the third turn I only had three cards left, Oshannus, War Chaang and Phantom of the Abyss, although the speed of the latter was key, I can say that from that point on they "locked the saw" because they could not touch him, and it was not because they did not have good speed, just that my monster was faster and could evade his constant attacks. On the other hand, my cards were doing damage, I could not afford to miss any of my attacks, and fortunately that was the case.
Para el tercer turno ya me quedaban solo tres cartas, Oshannus, War Chaang y Phantom of the Abyss, aunque la velocidad de este último fue clave, puedo decir que a partir de allí se les “tranco el serrucho” ya que no podían tocarlo, y no era porque no tuvieran buena velocidad, solo que mi monstruo fue más rápido y pudo evadir sus ataques constantes. Por otro lado, mis cartas estaban haciendo daño, no me podía dar el lujo de fallar ninguno de mis ataques, y afortunadamente fue asi.


By the fifth round we were already two against two, his Demented Shark and the fearsome Deeplurker who did +4 damage per attack, and on my side my forces would focus on War Chaang and my ghost. Although it was an even fight, Chaang's ability came to the fore, being able to counterattack on two occasions where he took damage, this was key because he was practically doing +4 damage per turn, while also coming magic damage of equal value behind him. The fight went on a bit longer, but I was able to get the win in round number 7.
Para la quinta ronda ya estábamos dos contra dos, su Demented Shark y el temible Deeplurker quien hacia un daño de +4 por ataque, y de mi lado mis fuerzas se centrarían en War Chaang y mi fantasma. Aunque fue un combate parejo, salió a relucir la habilidad de Chaang, pudiendo contraatacar en dos ocasiones donde recibió daño, esto fue clave porque prácticamente estaba haciendo un daño de +4 por turno, mientras que también venia un daño mágico de igual valor detrás de él. El combate se prolongó un poco más, pero pude obtener la victoria en la ronda número 7.


As you may notice, this bot is not so easy to defeat, but with the right equipment it can be done, I have lost against him in other occasions, but after analyzing him a little bit I was able to get the victory. Obviously there are other ways to defeat it, but this is one that worked for me in this case and I share it with you so you can make good use of it.
Como podrás notar, este bot no es tan sencillo de derrotar, pero con el equipo correcto se puede hacer, me ha tocado perder contra el en otras ocasiones, pero al analizarlo un poco pude obtener la victoria. Obviamente hay otras formas de derrotarlo, pero esta es una que a mí me sirvió en este caso y te la comparto para que puedas hacer buen uso de ella.

Thanks for reading

Splinterlands is the best #play2earn game out there. This story is an original writing of my authorship, I hope you liked it.

The images have been edited in Adobe Photoshop using elements from the game.

If you want to start playing, you can do it from here:
