Aimless Weekly Battle Challange | Splinterlands


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The Theme of the Weekly Battle Challenge is the Aimless Ruleset.

For this week's splinterlands battle challenge, we are going to explore the aimless ability.

This ability provides all monsters involved in a battle with the powerful Scattershot ability. While this ability may not be the preferred strategy for some players who prefer to concentrate their attacks on a single enemy, it still has its merits in certain situations. Specifically, Scattershot is particularly effective when combined with the Blast ability, as it allows for ranged damage to be inflicted on multiple random enemies on the opposing team, except for those with camouflage or taunts.


Battle Link:

Rules for this Week

  • Aimless: All monsters have the scattershot ability
  • Keep your distance: Monster will melee attack may not be used in the battle
  • Mana Cap: 43
  • Available Splinter: Earth, Life, and Dragon

With the Aimless ruleset at play, I usually go for melee cards to get away from random attacks for range and magic monsters. However, since the "keep your distance" ruleset I was not able to skip the mayhem.

Will be able to hit squishy monster even from the backThere will be no focused monster to attack and the attack from your team will be random
Best at fighting against taunt monsters and such strategiesYou need a lot of luck and prayers

Line Up


Summoner: Scarred Llama Mage (delegated by the awesome clown @r0nd0n)

Since the earth splinter is active, I think it is just right to use this beast of a card. To be honest I was hesitant to use Llama since it will be hard to tell which card will be getting the last stand. But yeah YOLO baby, if you have Llama why not use it?

Having additional 2 health for my monsters helps too since our squishy monsters are not safe in any position.


Mycelic Slipspawn: since no melee monster is allowed to be used in the battle, the slip spawn is a great option to be a tank because of its high health. The taunt ability is not gonna be of help here because the scattershot ignores its effect.

Goblin Psychic: for its tank heal a goblin psychic is a great secondary tank.

Mushroom Seer: The silent ability is really significant here since it will be expected that my opponent will choose magic damage cards.

Fungus Flinger: I was really hoping that the martyr ability will pop and buff my monsters which is why I position the fungus in the middle. However, the RNG god didn't allow us to see that in action.

Gargoya Devil: With its close-range ability this guy can be an option for the last stand.

Beatrix Ironhand: having the close-range ability on the 'keep your distance ruleset' is a blessing. I was really hoping this card will get the last-stand effect in the late part of the match.

Am I Happy with the Match?

The aimless ruleset is one of the rulesets that will give you mixed emotions. It can be a boon or bane, it just really depends on the lady luck on your side.

Honestly, I was sad not seeing the last stand's ability to kick. But that is not the focus of the challenge so meh.

I understand that while the Scattershot ability may not be the most popular choice among players, it can prove to be a valuable addition to a player's deck in certain situations. Scattershot can effectively get around taunts, which is particularly useful when facing opponents using a backline taunt strategy. By targeting the backline with Scattershot attacks, players can weaken their opponents and set them up for easier takedowns.

In addition, Scattershot can be a game-changer in weak magic rule sets, where monsters with void armor and blast abilities are commonly used. Scattershot monsters can counter them by targeting the reflection shield monster, neutralizing their opponent's blast damage, and gaining an advantage.

Therefore, I recommend considering Scattershot when building a deck, as it has the potential to give players the upper hand in battles and take their gameplay to the next level.

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Hey! Roi here, your favorite garlic! I am a small Filipino streamer on twitch.

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Cool Post Garlic!!Scattershot!!!Nice!!!!Need to level up Goblin Psychic.gargoya I just leveled up to like Gold Max I think and Fungus is Great!I dont have Mushroom Seer yet but almost forgot about The Seer!
