Splinterlands - SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge - Theme: Grumpy Dwarf


Hello Friends,



Welcome to another edition of the Weekly challenge battle blogs for Splinterlands on the the SHARE YOUR BATTLE challenge.
I hope you keep checking the Splinterlands assets worth everyday, I do so mostly more than once every day with the assets growing exponentially every day :)
OK, here I go with this blog with details of the lineup I used, the battle strategy and the details of each round of the battle.


Grumpy Dwarf was the monster I used to use the most during the initial days along with either Flesh Golem or Sea Monster or even with Haunted Spirit since it is the one with reach ability and it is a common melee attack monster from neutral category from Alpha/Beta versions.
It comes with enrage as we level up this monster to level 5 to get the enraged speed and attack.



Let's see the stats for this monster as we can see from above screenshot.
Grumpy Dwarf is on the lower side of the attack as it starts with just 1 attack, but it can go up to a maximum of 3 attack without enrage and additional inspiring by other monsters or summoner with which it will be used.
It's speed just varies by 1 throughout it's 10 levels as it starts with 2 speed and can increase to 3, but again, with enrage, it gets additional speed.
Another good thing to compensate for it's low health is that, it has armors from level 1 itself as it starts with single armor and is it leveled up, it gets additional armors and can have 3 armors max at maximum level.
The health is on lower side as well with it starting at 2 health which can increase to 4 at final level.
As we discussed above, this monster has 2 abilities viz. reach ability from level 1 and from level 5, it will have enrage ability to provide increased speed and attack.


Battle and Lineup:



It's another low MANA cap battle as this battle had 17 MANA cap and the battle had 2 rule sets with Equalizer being One of those which gives equal health to all the monsters with the health of the monster with maximum health on either side.
The other rule set was the Lost Magic meaning no magic monsters can be used in the battle and I was particularly in favor of that with equalizer rule being in force, it's better to have more melee attack monsters to get the benefit of retaliate ability from Exploding Dwarf, the front monster I used.


1. Exploding Dwarf:

The moment I see a equalizer rule set in any battle I fight, First monster I get to my mind will be Exploding Dwarf because of it's blast ability, pierce ability and even the retaliate ability.
It almost takes out the front monster in combination with other monsters and it can even attack back when a melee attack monster attacks it because of the retaliate ability.

2. Grumpy Dwarf:

This is the Second Dwarf monster with Exploding Dwarf at the front and these 2 Dwarf monsters were good enough to give an easy win for me in this battle with this one having those armors and enrage ability.

3. Serpentine Spy:

Another good monster with low MANA cap battles is this Serpentine Spy as it gives 4 attack when used with Malric Inferno for just 3 MANA cost and another good thing is, this is an opportunity ability monster and keeps hunting low health monsters.

4. Imp Bowman:

A monster with pierce ability and gives 2 ranged attack for just 2 MANA cost and is one of the useful for low MANA cap battles.
Another point about this and Serpentine Spy are that, both are with good speed and can attack early.

5. Furious Chicken:

Last monster on the lineup is the Zero MANA cost monster and is used to absorb any sneak attack in this battle as it will also have equal number of health like all the other monsters in this battle.

Opponent used Earth Splinter with monsters being Furious Chicken, Gelatinous Cube, Parasitic Growth and Goblin Thief in that order.



Round 1:

Opponent's usage of Gelatinous Cube means, all the monsters will be with huge health and yes, each of those monsters were with 11 health to start with.
Opponent placed Furious Chicken in front position followed by Gelatinous Cube and his idea was to keep front position active and keep attacking the Second line with his Parasitic Growth and Goblin Thief, but, I had different plans as I used Exploding Dwarf which will be a blasting monster and Furious Chicken got removed in no time in this round.


Round 2:

Gelatinous Cube no doubt had huge health, but it was against the likes of Exploding Dwarf, Serpentine Spy and Imp Bowman who just wiped it out before it could heal back to stay alive and that means, opponent's back attacking Parasitic Growth moving to front position for a battle with Exploding Dwarf.


Round 3:

Before we could realize, the 2 remaining monsters from opponent got removed with Parasitic Growth to go First by the brutal attack of Exploding Dwarf which, attacked once again in the same round by retaliating Goblin Thief to get rid of it to give one of the easiest victories to me.



Questions and Answers:

Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?

I had no doubt that the lineup I used was one of the best for Equalizer battles and this lineup once again proved that by giving an easy victory.
If I have to try different, then, may be I could have used Halfling Alchemist instead of Imp Bowman to just reduce the attack from front monster by opponent.

Do you like the GRUMPY DWARF? Why or why not?

I used to use Grumpy Dwarf a lot when I started playing the Splinterlands battles, but, he is now like a monster with least preference because each of the Splinters have got so many innovative and better equipped reach ability monsters and Grumpy Dwarf doesn't find a place in my lineups nowadays.

P.S: unless explicitly mentioned, all the images are screen captures from Splinterlands game website or the ones from @splinterlands blogs.


That's all guys, it was a long day for me and I am happy that, I could complete this blog today and I hope you enjoyed reading this :)

Thanks and Have a good week ahead :)


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