My splinterlands Weekly battle share challenge with them- TAUNT





Hello friends. I am your friend cruis. Hope you all are well, healthy and enjoying your weekend. Today I'm back again with my new Splinterlands Battle Share Challenge. In which I will tell about my battle. As I have already mentioned that since the new cards have arrived, I am having a lot of problem playing. When I played this game my rating was 400. Although now it has reached around 700. Because I have won 7 games in a row which is probably the first time this has happened since new cards have arrived. My collection power is beyond 5800. And I mostly like to play with EARTH cards. Earlier, I used to play games as soon as the season ends, so that my rating would cross 1400 in 1 to 2 days. But it has become very difficult for me to do so. Thank you!
Now sharing my mistakes which I used to make while playing this game. I used to lose most of the games when I used to complete the Daily Quest. In the course of completing the Quest.
, I always used to carry the same card with the quest, due to which I used to lose. But now I rent any two of the best cards for the quest that I keep geting and complete it with ease.


Rule for this battle

FOG OF WAR: Monsters lose their sneak and snipe abilities.This means that the card which used to attack the previous card first will now be able to attack only from the front due to this rule. And those cards who used to have snipe ability can now attack only from the front.

Mana for this battle

99:I got 99 mana for this match which is my favorite. Because of this mana, I can easily take out my favorite and big cards in the match.


Opponent team's card

SUMMONER- OBSIDIAN: And the ability of this card is that this card increases the magic attack of all its friend cards.It gets 4 mana.

CARD-1- Unicorn Mustang:This card is everyone's favorite card in the card of Earth. It gets 8 mana, attack speed is 4, Melee attack is 3 and health is 10. The ability of this card is that this card Decrees magic attacks. Or you can say that cards that attack it with 1 magic can't do any damage.

2- Mycelic Infantry:The ability of this card is that here it decreases the range attack and melee attack. It also gets 8 mana tha. Attack speed is 1, Melee attack 3, 3 shield with 7 health. And here only attacks from the first position.

3-Mycelic Slipspawn: This card is also available for 9 mana. The specialty of this card is that if this card is in the match, then all other cards attack it except the first card of the opponent. Its attacking speed is 2. And it does two magic attacks. Its health is 10.

4- Regal Peryton:This card is worth five mana. Makes a magic attack. Its attack speed is 5 and health is also 5. But due to its Summnoer, its magic attack increases.The specialty of this card is that it has Flying ability, due to which there are more chances of Missing the range and melee attack on it.

5-Goblin Psychic: This card is available for 6 mana. Its Specialty is that it increases the health of the first position card of its team by three in every round. Attack speed is 1. And does 2 Magic attacks, but due to its own summoner, it increases and attack3 MAGIC attack` and health is three.

6-Disintegrator:This card is of 7 mana. This card has the ability to Decrease the melee attack of the opposing team's cards. One attacking speed has 2 Melee attacks and two shields have 7 health.


My Summnoer and card

MY SUMMNOER- Obsidian:I also took this Summnoer of meaning which increases the magic attacks of fellow players. It's because of this card that I got the four card magic attacker. Whereas the opposition team took only 3 cards. Maybe that was the reason for my winning the match. However, I took the range attack card in the last which was the most beneficial for me.



My Card

1- Unicorn Mustang:My favorite card is the UNICORN MUSTANG. And whenever I play with the cards of Earth, I definitely take this card. Because this card decreases the magic attack of the opposite cards. And also when I integrate it with mylore summnoer then the utility is increased. I knew the person in front would only come from magic cards, so I kept it in place. This card attack 3 Melee Attack.

Unicorn Mustang.pngsource

2-Mycelic Slipspawn:This monster has TAUNT ability. In this match, I had kept it in second place deliberately. Because I knew that all cards except the first place card of the opposing team would attack it. And whatever happened. Because the ability of this card is to attack all the cards of the opposing team. This card has two attacking speed and 2 Magic attacks. But because of MY Summnoer, its magic attack increased to 3. Its health is 10.

Mycelic Slipspawn.pngsource

3-Regal Peryton:This card is very useful for me as always. Because the beauty of this card is that it increases the chances of missing the opposition team's attack, especially the Melee and Range attack. And that's probably why I always have this card. Because if any attack of the opposition team is missed, that is enough for me to win.

Regal Peryton.pngsource

4-Magi Sphinx:As for this card, because I was going to come up with such a Summnoer that would increase the MAGIC attack of fellow players. That's why I came up with this card specifically. Because this is a Common card, you will not find this card in Earth cards. Because its attacking speed is 3 and Magic attack is 2, but with OBSDIAN, its magic attack increases. And his health is also four, which has been very useful for me. Because I was losing last many matches because of magic cards. And in the sense there is no card that does a magic attack with less mana with 3 speed. That's why I took this card on rent. And that is proving to be very useful for me so far.
Magi Sphinx.pngsource

5-Goblin Psychic:This 6 mana card worked well for me because it increased my Unicorn Mustang's heath by three per round. And it also did 3 Magic attacks. Which proved to be very beneficial for me.

Goblin Psychic.pngsource

6-Hunter Jarx Gold:Because it does Range attacks, I put that card at the back. And it does 3 Ranges attacks. The attacking speed of this card is 2. This is a very useful card with 6 health. Which is of seven mana.
Hunter Jarx.pngsource


Battle Round- 1


Battle Round- 2


Battle Round- 3


Battle Round- 4


Battle Round- 5



Did my strategy worked?
Yes my strategy worked. When I watched his last few matches he was constantly coming with OBSIDIAN summnoer. Which increases the magic attack of fellow cards. That's why I went with the same card, but I put the UNICORN MASTANG in the first place, which reduces magic attacks. On the second number I put MYCELIC SLIPSPAWAN. So that the cards of the opposing team are busy in hitting it. And I put the GOBLIN PSYCHIC on the fifth position, which increases the unicorn's health by three per round. I put the range attacking card HUNTER JARX back. so that he can
Attack as many as possible. By the end of the five rounds, almost all the cards on the opposite team were gone, but I still had 4 cards left.


Do you like TAUNT MONSTERS or not?.Do you also like to play with this TAUNT Card? I like to play with this ability card. Because the specialty of this card is that I will keep it in any place at all Monster of the Opponent team at the same card. Except the first place monster. By which your remaining cards get a lot of time to attack on opposition team cards. Because all its Monsters are busy in attacking on the Monster with your Taunt ability.
Special thanks to #SPLINTERLANDS.
Thank you.

