Splinterland AMA Details and Updates to comfort Everyones Soul!!!!!!!!


Hey everyone CRYPTOCRAZY here and in case some of ya'll weren't around for the Town Hall/ AMA this morning from the Dev's, they were great this morning one thing I want to start out with is yabbapmatt said something about the private sale in how there really isn't anything private about it and thought he had cleared something up with that how ever it wasn't very clear but latter came into the discord and further cleared it up to a better degree and said this

Yabapmatt - Founder — Today at 9:24 AM
I thought i was clear on this but maybe not - any "large purchasers" will just be getting Credits and can use them on the website to buy packs when the general sale starts just like everyone else. They are not getting any advantage or first opportunity, and while there is a lot of interest it's nowhere near 12M packs worth and we will make sure that everyone has an opportunity to get packs during the general sale and participate in all of the airdrops.... Now IMO this isn't what was directly said but became so much more clear and also acceptable once typed out and able to be seen. If this is the direction they take with that it isn't something that will directly affect any one buying packs and isn't as private as thought to be in the first thing and things we had though. Another very valid point made by the Dev's was that they intend to give ppl more of a chance to the air drop cards not just the first million but everyone who bought in the first 24 hours, now that isn't set for sure but was said they were going consider it and i believe they will do either this or some thing to this degree. I think they all see what we've known the entire time, that Chaos is coming and these packs wont last a day or two... I know ppl that think that they will sell out in hours, I personally know someone who wagered a large sum of SPS on them selling out in less than three hours!!!!! I myself don't know that they will go that fast but see them going in less than a day. It is my OPINION NOT FINACIAL ADVICE that buying packs for 8$ now is not as bad of a idea as once seemed when in regards to the price they will go once sold out in hey at least you know you'd for sure have packs. With the way they give credits to the guilds buying large some's having to wait until general sale we will have no idea how many they are getting and how many will be already "Vouched for " if you will...Still it's a very fair out come to the problem everyone had with the issue. These packs are the most anticipated thing to the hottest game out so it is my opinion that we should act accordingly to the level of desire we have for the packs and new cards. thanks for reading everyone in I will have more once I disect the rest of the AMA

thank you all for reading this short update and hope you all get the CHAOS your wanting .....
