SPLINTERLANDS Share Your Battle.....!!!!!!

Hello and goodafternoon to all my SPLINTERFANS out there its a wonderful Saterday for me , Cryptocrazy here and I'm here today to showcase my Weekly Battle Challenge for you all maybe will be able to shed some light on a few ideas that may help you all get through your gameplay. What I absolutly love about this weeks challege is a few diffrent things, first off anyone of you all who has been folllowing me or perhaps only read a few of my blog posts have more than likely heard me ranting about high mana water battles and with the death splinter an at least the summoner i like to use when running it is OWSTER ROTWELL with the reflect ability is great to send one of the -2 magic damage right back at them makeing your attacking HP doubled in that round by not only allowing your team monsters to attack but to send back half of what they attack with as well. A great way to even the odds in my opinion.Here's the man of the hour here for anyone not exactly knowing who I'm talking about
A under-valued summoner in my book at this time in the game but I've been talking a lil about him lately and not due to me but a few other really good players as well also been talking him up and his value is starting to rise more dayly it seems. This battle I'm show caseing today had a rule set and that was earthquake, makeing keeping haunted spider alive very long would be impossible but with the right deck set-up he'd get his job done and cause a small portion of damage before the shakeing of earth begun,lol, so lets get back to it and go thru the line up and reasons for doing so. So for my heavey hitter tank position monster in Slot 1- I choose GARGOYLE LION with flying ability, a new Chaos reward card mine however i recivedd end of last season reward chest and happened to be a gold foil, I like to use Goldies whenever I am presented with the chance because they allow you to earn a decent emount more DEC, per win, now for the second position sometimes,( most of my games), I will choose a reach monster to gain more HP per round but there is an exeption to this for my stratigy and this particular time i was in a position to show you all this sometimes you caan double tank and I done this and placed HAUNTED SPIRT in the #2 slot because of the earthquack ruleset and with death splinter and my avalible cards its the only card I have that has a heal ability, so even though he is unable to attack at first he is a target for the other team that heals back each time , takeing some of the heat from my other monsters on the team. Slot #3 I ran HAUNTED SPIDER our show case this week,!!!

Now with the ruleset this round he is more of useful to me for the fast 2 ranged damage and a target takeing damage from the other monsters i have that will get me a victory. #4 slot we went with TOWER GRIFFIN a flying ability ranged attack doing 1 damage but a lower mana monster easy enough to slid in the line up with 3 health and speed hopeing he will get in a dodge or two and do some damage while evadeing the rule-set damage, and lastly in the #5 position we went with a oppritunity monster BATTERING RAM also one of my GOLDIES I like to use for a higher DEC capture rate when your useing more than one gold foil....!!!!! So thats my line up and reasons for useing thus, I was on a two game win streak im in a guild, ( SONG OF PHEONIX ) for 2% extra DEC so without futher a do he is my battle ,


So that was my battle you can see how the OWSTER ROTWELL is very useful when fighting the higher magic battles My summoner alone was caplible of causeing myhem and obliterating the opponet, and even with the rule-set causeing damage at the end of the round I was able utilise HAUNTED SPIDER and get him into the game causeing his share of damage and usefullness even with the odds aginst us. This battle was a perfect example of how to utilise a deck that is just as lethal and dangerouse as the magic water decks that are over used in my opinion by countering them with reflect. The stratigy is a amazing stratigy for novice's and begginers trying to quickly climb the ranks but the GAME isn't about that it's about developing ways to counter ever opponet from every splinter. ok guys that's it for this one I'd like to wish you all ggood luck and glory on and off the battle field , I'd love to hear your views and belifs on the comment section and lets get in them upvotes everyone cryptocrazy here signing out.



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