Two More Cards Maxed Out! - Splinterlands Season Rewards Opening #87


Welcome to the newest Splinterlands Season Rewards opening video! Well, I experimented, but it looks like the difference in the season rewards wasn't as big as I thought... This season, I was playing almost half of it in the Gold leagues, and I accumulated fewer season reward chests... On the other side, my focus reward chests were slightly better and more diversified than last season's Diamond chests... So, all in all, I'm not sure that there was a big difference...

I have accumulated 58 diamond chests, and the opening wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be... lol... The good thing is that I got a nice chunk of SPS tokens and the bad thing is that I didn't get fancy great cards...

On the other side, even those common and rare cards that I got were useful as I was able to level up some cards... For example, I have maxed out my FEROX DEFENDER and DUMACKE ORC, leveled up my RIVERBOAT CAPTAIN to level 6, and pushed up my gold-foiled NOA THE JUST to level 4!!! So, very happy with all that!!!

The numbers for this opening are 107 cards in total, 269 SPS tokens, 3900 MERITs, and some potions... Better than last time, for sure!!!

Check out the video for more details... What did you get in your season reward chests?

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Thanks for watching!


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Splinterlands Season Rewards Opening 87.png


All these games I wonder how they are played here.
I wish I can share a post here but I don't have the know how?
