Splinterlands Old chest rewards with New System

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Hello Community

As you all know I have been offline for more than a month now, busy with my work, and before that, there was an incomplete draft about my Splinterlands game reward which I had completed now and written it down. Checkout Below

Here I had discussed my reward after the splinterlands changed its reward system which is much harder and required huge investment for cards.

Luckily someone delegated me some good card by which I was able to gain some rewards and further progress in the Games

This is the first time I had received this many chests so let's open them!


In the First Window, it's good to see I had got more Card instead of the Potions and Coins.

As having the battle card are most useful according to the new reward system and starter packs don't help us to gain rank.

So I am happy to see the 1 RARE card and other unique cards I had rewarded.

Now Looking at the second window


Here we can see I got the same Old card which I had earlier I will mostly use this for renting purposes and Good way to earn some DEC.

Well, I don't have many cards to rent to have some effect but renting option is good.

Other than that I got 7 DEC and some Potions which I don't use most of the times

The reason most of the card and rewards are ordinary as this was the Bronze chest which has very less probability to get any good cards like Gold foil or Legendary Cards.

Most common cards and potions we can expect here.

After that, I stopped playing as my delegated cards has been taken away and I was just wasting time there. Later I got busy with some other work and totally abandoned this game which I opened a few days back.

I don't know if I will continue to play this game. There are better ways to spend time than this. Let's see

Thanks for reading article

