Battle Mage Secrets: Aim True [EN - ESP]

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We have a change in one of the Splinterlands weekly challenges. We are moving away from a long-standing Share your Battle challenge to a new format. Starting this week, we have the Battle Mage Secrets challenge, a challenge in which we will have to analyse a new ruleset every week and rack our brains to squeeze the most out of the advantages of each one of them. The new format of this weekly challenge starts here and it's time to analyse Aim True, let's start.
Tenemos cambio en uno de los retos semanales de Splinterlands. Dejamos atrás un Share your Battle challenge que llevaba con nosotros mucho tiempo para dar paso a un nuevo formato. Llega, desde esta misma semana, el reto Battle Mage Secrets. Un reto en el que tendremos que analizar un nuevo ruleset cada semana y devanarnos los sesos para exprimir al máximo las ventajas que tiene cada uno de ellos. Comienza aquí el nuevo formato de este reto semanal y llega el momento de analizar Aim True, comenzamos.




This week's ruleset has a very strong offensive component. The gameplay of Aim True is that all melee and ranged attacks cannot miss. That is to say, these attacks will always cause damage to the card they attack. This type of effect is ideal to counteract the Blind, Flying and Dodge abilities, making them totally useless against these two types of attack in combat.
Esta semana nos encontramos ante un ruleset que tiene un marcadísimo componente ofensivo. La jugabilidad de Aim True es la de que todos los ataques cuerpo a cuerpo y a distancia no pueden fallar. Es decir, esos ataques siempre causaran daño a la carta a la que ataquen. Este tipo de efecto es ideal para contrarrestar las habilidades Blind, Flying and Dodge provocando que sean totalmente inútiles ante estos dos tipos de ataque en combate




The example battle is going to have 18 mana summoning points as a limit, only being able to use cards with odd summoning cost, Aim True as the main ruleset and the limitation to fire and water decks. With these conditions my strategy is clear. Water deck with Kelya Frendul as the summoner, cards with little mana in the first positions and a winning card in between. This time my main asset will be River Hellondale and his resurrection as a key ability.
La batalla de ejemplo va a tener como condicionante 18 puntos de maná de invocación como límite, solo poder utilizar cartas con coste de invocación impar, Aim True como ruleset principal y la limitación a los mazos de fuego y agua. Con estos condicionantes mi estrategia está clara. Mazo de agua con Kelya Frendul como invocador, cartas con poco maná en las primeras posiciones y una carta ganadora intercalada. En esta ocasión mi baza principal será River Hellondale y su resurrección como habilidad clave.

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Kelya FrendulThe quintessential water deck summoner in the leagues I play each season: silver and gold. This time I couldn't miss my Kelya Frendul at level 5 evolution.
Cruel SethropodLots of shield points, two melee attack points that won't miss, and all for a very low summoning cost. Perhaps the best mini tank in the water deck.
Tide BiterAn impressive card considering the summoning cost vs. performance ratio. In fact his attacks, which can't miss thanks to Aim True, will be decisive in my final victory.
River HellondaleIt has magic attack and will not benefit from Aim True when attacking. However, her resurrect ability invites me to include her in the line-up because of the explanation on the next and last card.
Chaos AgentOne mana point of summoning and placement in the last position. It is likely that the opponent will place a card that attacks this last position. If this happens, Chaos Agent will be resurrected by River Hellondale's ability and allow at least two magic attacks from this card before Chaos Agent.
Opposite I found another deck of water. Although this time with Bortus at level 3 as a summoner. Taking into account that his ability is to subtract magic from the opponent's attacks and that Aim True is present as an ability maybe he is not the best summoner for these conditions, although it is true that I don't know the level of the rest of the summoners of the water and fire decks of my current opponent. As I expected River Hellondale resurrects Chaos Agent's first kill and that will allow time for his attacks and those of Cruel Sethropod and Tide Biter to do enough damage to finish off their counterparts in the opponent's deck. Once this is done, victory in my favour is a matter of time.
Enfrente me he encontrado otro mazo de agua. Aunque esta vez con Bortus a nivel 3 como invocador. Teniendo en cuenta que su habilidad es restar magia a los ataques rivales y que está presente Aim True como habilidad quizá no es el mejor invocador para estas condiciones. Si bien es cierto que no conozco el nivel del resto de invocadores de los mazos de agua y fuego de mi rival actual. Como esperaba River Hellondale resucita la primera muerte de Chaos Agent y eso dará tiempo a que sus ataques y los de Cruel Sethropod y Tide Biter causen daño suficiente para acabar con sus homólogos del mazo rival. Una vez conseguido esto la victoria a mi favor es cuestión de tiempo.

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In conditions such as those proposed by Aim True, you should try to maximise your melee and ranged attacks. Having only 18 summoning points is not the ideal scenario to place many cards with ranged attack because they will keep the impossibility of attacking from the first position, so powering powerful cards with melee attack is the best strategy for the conditions shown in the example battle with Aim True. As you can see I was better able to adapt to these conditions and came out on top. The day will come when I make a mistake and show a painful defeat... something, on the other hand, that if you follow me regularly you have already seen in previous challenges.
En unas condiciones como las que propone Aim True hay que intentar potenciar los ataques cuerpo a cuerpo y a distancia. Teniendo solo 18 puntos de invocación no es el escenario ideal para colocar muchas cartas con ataque a distancia pues mantendrán la imposibilidad de atacar desde la primera posición, por lo que potenciar cartas potentes con ataque cuerpo a cuerpo es la mejor estrategia para las condiciones mostradas en la batalla de ejemplo con Aim True. Como has podido comprobar me he podido adaptar mejor a estas condiciones y he salido victorioso. Llegará el día en el que cometa un error y muestre una dolorosa derrota... algo, por otro lado, que si me sigues de forma habitual ya has podido comprobar en retos anteriores.
How do you try to take advantage of the presence of this week's skill as a battle condition in your day-to-day life in Splinterlands? Do you have a pre-determined strategy? Did you like my approach to the battle and its explanation? I'll read you in the comments section, and in a week's time, be sure to check back for a new challenge - see you on the battlefield!
Y tú, ¿cómo intentas aprovechar la presencia la habilidad de esta semana como condición de batalla en tú día a día en Splinterlands? ¿tienes alguna estrategía predeteminada? ¿te ha gustado mi manera de enfocar la batalla y su explicación? Te leo en la sección de comentarios y, dentro de una semana, no dejes de leerme en un nuevo reto. ¡Nos vemos en el campo de batalla!

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All the images in this article are credited to Cover image made in

Divider credited to @kyo-gaming. You can find more dividers from kyo here.

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