Oct. 2, 21: AutomaticWin, Garage Putzing, TV, and Games



Slept all the way until six this morning, and I say “all the way” since I fell asleep super early and got more than nine hours last night!!! 👍🥳

Did the usual morning routine and was happy to see even more green in the crypto markets. Up a nice ten percent or so…except for my shittokens that haven’t moved an inch. 😡

Got my post done and then we headed out with the dog to score a #AutomaticWin.




A bit chilly again this morning, so had several layers of long stuff on, but the hat came off pretty quickly once the Sun came out. At that point (with my jacket and stuff) it was quite comfortable.



Little Vitamin D for a Saturday morning. ☀️


Not much wildlife to be seen anywhere (although we did see the tail end of a family of deer). This fly 🪰 looked totally dead, but I think it was just trying to warm up in the sunshine:


They harvested the corn 🌽! Won’t be long now before the geese start gathering to head south.


The pond was very quiet today, saw a couple bubbles come up here and there, but no animals to be seen at all. 😢


Really losing all the colors now…Fall is settling in.


Still a few splashes to be found:


Although there weren’t so many bugs or turtles 🐢 or anything, we did see some serious mushrooms coming out!



Got home, messed around on Discord for a while, got some lunch, and figured I’d best try and get something accomplished for the day.

My goal for yesterday had been to get the oil pan off the Model A. I ended up getting distracted, though, and doing a bunch of other stuff like power washing the house. So, today it was time to zero in.

I drained the pan first. Wasn’t expecting anything to come out at all, but there was some black, stinky oil that came out…only about a quarter of a cup or so, though. Stuck my finger up in the hole and I could feel chunky nastiness.

As you can see, all the bolts are out. I took them out nearly ten years ago. So, I thought the only thing holding it on was the gasket material. Tried to pop it off with a screwdriver and didn’t move it.

Started scraping it all out with my dental tools. After nearly three hours of scraping at it, I crawled underneath to get at the back. Turns out (and now I remember my thought process) there were still three bolts left in the underside!

Amazing how much easier things come apart when they aren’t bolted together!


I did some more scraping and got the years of caked on dirt and crud off a couple more areas. Still not sure how I’m going to paint it…pretty much everything is telling me I’m going to have to take the motor out. Really don’t want to, though.


That just looked like a lump of gunk; couldn’t even see the bolt before! 😄


The pan dropped nicely and I was able to get it out from under the car without having to jack it up. One good/bad thing is that the oil pump didn’t come crashing down…but that means it’s stuck in there…hopefully not rusted in place. 😱

Either way, looks like it could use a good cleaning!


You can see, after three hours of scraping, how much of that gasket material I actually removed. 🤣 I really hope I haven’t done much damage hammering at it with the screwdriver. Definitely not healthy looking in there anyway, needed to be done:


Methinks oil and the inside of an engine should probably not look like this:


After I got the pan off, which was my goal for today, I was smelling pretty manly so grabbed a shower 🚿 and Wenche made us pizza 🍕 for dinner.

We started watching a new show: Squid Game, it’s a Korean show and although it started off kind of slow, it escalated really quickly. Been enjoying it so far. Watched a few episodes and couldn’t help it, I fell asleep.

dShitty math simply doesn’t make sense; that’s my point, what I’ve been trying to say in a roundabout way every day for months now. “Game” is busted, pure and simple.



I did actually remember to go in to CryptoBrewmaster today. Only once, collected the ingredient I started a few days ago and got another going. Still need several more for a brew, not going to be for a while.

I did a couple missions on Rising Star today, but couldn’t get in for most of the day. HiveWallet and Keychain have been acting weird, and I think there was a server issue.


I thought about playing Splinterlands in the evening, even opened up the page and stared at it. But, I actively did not want to play today, and so I didn’t.


Lost two daily quests already so far. Not sure how long I can stand to let that go.

Proof of #AutomaticWin:


Average Last 7 Days: 14,963

Lifetime Average: 15,463

10k per Day Streak: 8


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 682.96 km
Distance on hikers: 64.92 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 420
#AutomaticWin Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 227
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 84%
Satisfaction: 85%
Energy: 94%
Productivity: 81%


Rising Star






Pi Cloud Mining




Join us in the Mancave!

Power up and Hive on!
