Oct. 5, 21: Routine, Teaching, Oculus, TV, and Games



Up at six thirty this morning and made it through a full night and then some, about a half an hour over goal! šŸ‘šŸ„³ I have been running a bit short lately, but not been dragging much and itā€™s been quite a while since I crashed in the afternoon. šŸ˜

Just the usual morning routine. Cryptos still more or less sideways (at least the ones Iā€™m in)ā€¦BTC starting to see some nice green candles and back up over $50k! šŸ¤‘ Been spending a lot less time over on Discord. Did a bit of a cost/benefit analysis of the amount of time I mess around on thereā€¦outside of a couple good laughs now and then, not much to show for it. Unfortunately, it seems that Iā€™m actually checking Facebook instead; not really a good trade.

Had early teaching, so whipped together the basics of my post for the day and got it scheduled (really annoying that I have to post to the minute every day or Brofund will skip me - like $.3 šŸ˜”), but I didnā€™t end up going back and editing my blog part properly. Hate leaving them, but at the same time I suppose it was better ā€œqualityā€ than many posts yesterday (and all dBuzz posts). šŸ˜›

Speaking of ā€œqualityā€ posting, got some wicked bad news that #AutomaticWin is no longer going to be a thing. Seems he hit some downvoting issues. That really is a problem with this chainā€¦that a few very powerful actors can dominate most everyone else and impose their view by force. Sure, paying for votes isnā€™t a great situation and getting rid of bidbots wasnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, but they stifle all other innovations/ideas/businesses by insisting that manual curation of ā€œqualityā€ content is the only valid use of Hiveā€™s inflation. At the end of the day, they just want more of the pool to themselves; sad, reallyā€¦keeps the chain valued well below what it potentially could beā€¦theyā€™ll just have to stuff their hands in their pockets and hope they get a knock-on effect from Splinterlands.

Anyway, got stuck in construction traffic on the way in, which ate nearly all of my buffer, but I made it to class with a couple minutes left to spare. We started into a whole new deal today: defining sequences and convergence of sequencesā€¦the long road to Taylor Series.

Ended class just a few minutes early and the drive home was smooth, so got back even before one! Grabbed a sandwich for lunch, but still didnā€™t feel like putzing out in the garage. Need to get back out there, plenty to do on that pan!

Instead, I satisfied my Oculus craving that was thwarted yesterday. Got a new roguelike shooter. Itā€™s pretty fun, but definitely hard; didnā€™t make it very far. Gave it a couple of run throughs, but the motion started to get to me a little, so I switched over to Puzzling Places. Made some more serious progress, but still didnā€™t finish the one Iā€™ve been working on. Four hundred pieces is nuts!

I actually ran the headset battery out and was forced to quit. Started getting stuff ready for when Wenche got home to make turkey tacos for dinner, but we didnā€™t have any taco spices left and ended up having an omelette instead.

Not too much else going on for the rest of the evening. Played a ton of Splinterlands and we watched a bunch more Cougar Town, glad we found that one; itā€™s funny and we have like six seasons! šŸ˜

Ahh, General Crimeā€¦dShittyā€™s shittiest aspect, outside of simply just not paying out anything. With that whopping fifteen SIM I should take a night out on the town!



Went in once on CryptoBrewmaster today, collected the ingredient I started yesterday and started another one goingā€¦guess once a day should be quicker than it has been going and is only a slight waste of time. Gives me something other than dShitty to complain about every day.

Rising Star is more or less the same as well. I kept on for a bit with lessons and got my Ego a little lower, but been working towards unlocking more missions in the second area. I think Iā€™m getting some more play minutes now that logging in isnā€™t so much of a hassle, might help with my ranking somewhat, but Iā€™m not holding my breath.


I started playing Splinterlands relatively early this evening and played quite a lot. I was hoping to finish up two quests today to try and get caught up, but by the time I finished one and got on a losing streak, Iā€™d had enough.





With more than a week left in the season, I finally advanced to Gold II. That only leaves a couple days to get through II and I to get back to Diamond before the reset (well, a day or more before). I feel like Iā€™m a little behind pace, spent several days in Silver, so weā€™ll have to see how it goes.


Finished my second Dragon splinter quest in a row (and got it again for a third time!). Rewards today were a joke, though:


Average Last 7 Days: 14,846

Lifetime Average: 15,462

10k per Day Streak: 11


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 682.96 km
Distance on hikers: 64.92 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 421
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 227
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 87%
Satisfaction: 83%
Energy: 93%
Productivity: 76%


Rising Star






Pi Cloud Mining




Join us in the Mancave!

Power up and Hive on!


I'm playing a little more Splinterlands these days myself. I even played a tournament or two over the past week. I can barely sneak in the lowest of paylevels in the bronze/silver tournaments with my BETA/REWARDS collection. That hive price sure took off and with it SPS and with SPS, DEC. I suspect things are going to get real crazy around here very soon.
