Pemkab Ngawi Yakinkan Investor Untuk Tanam Saham di Ngawi

Hallo Teman Teman Hive Community Kali Ini Desa Semen akan memberikan laporan kegiatan kita Pemerintah Kabupaten Ngawi tancap gas lakukan sejumlah strategi peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi salah satunya melalui investasi.

Hallo Hive Community Friends This time, Semen Village will report on our activities. The Ngawi Regency Government steps on the gas to carry out a number of strategies to increase economic growth, one of which is through investment


Seperti yang dilakukan Bupati Ngawi Ony Anwar Harsono didampingi Sekda Ngawi, Mokh Sodiq Triwidiyanto bersama sejumlah pimpinan OPD menyakinkan investor dari Hatra Group, Ershad Aditya Manggala beserta tim, Minggu (19/06/22) di kediaman Bupati Ngawi.

As was done by Ngawi Regent Ony Anwar Harsono accompanied by Ngawi Regional Secretary, Mokh Sodiq Triwidiyanto along with a number of OPD leaders to convince investors from the Hatra Group, Ershad Aditya Manggala and his team, Sunday (19/06/22) at the Ngawi Regent's residence

Rombongan Hatra Group diterima di Bupati Ngawi dengam jamuan khas Ngawi, salah satunya nasi pecel.

The Hatra Group delegation was received at the Ngawi Regent with a typical Ngawi meal, one of which was Nasi Pecel


Sebelum mengunjungi sejumlah lokasi yang akan dijadikan investasi murni maupun BOT (Build Operate Transfer) atau kerjasama antara Pemerintah dan swasta, terlebih dahulu Bupati Ngawi memperlihatkan video profil potensi Ngawi beserta penjelasan secara terperinci yang kemudian dilanjutkan tinjauan langsung potensi pendukung yang segera bisa dibangun sebagai investasi.

Before visiting a number of locations that will be used as pure investments or BOT (Build Operate Transfer) or a collaboration between the Government and the private sector, the Ngawi Regent first shows a video profile of Ngawi's potential along with a detailed explanation, followed by a direct review of potential supporters who can immediately be built as an investment

Disalah satu lokasi yang ditawarkan, Ony Anwar Harsono mengatakan akan memberikan keterangan langsung, untuk meyakinkan investor, kali ini Hatra Group dalam bentuk hotel, bisnis distrik (mall), juga gedung serba guna (wedding hall). "Jadi dikesempatan ini kita bersama tim akan memberikan keterangan dan penjelasan detail baik dari izin investasi maupun terkait BOT dan hal lainnya yang bisa menyakinkan investor, agar mereka paham secara langsung," jelasnya.

In one of the locations offered, Ony Anwar Harsono said he would provide direct information, to convince investors, this time Hatra Group in the form of hotels, business districts (malls), as well as multi-purpose buildings (wedding halls). "So at this opportunity, we and the team will provide detailed information and explanations both from investment permits and related to BOT and other things that can convince investors, so that they understand directly," he explained.


Bupati Ngawi berharap investasi kali ini khususnya perhotelan bisa segera terealisasi sehingga bisa menarik investor lainnya sekaligus mampu meningkatkan ekonomi kerakyatan di Kabupaten Ngawi.

The Regent of Ngawi hopes that this investment, especially in hotels, can be realized soon so that it can attract other investors as well as be able to improve the people's economy in Ngawi Regency

Wilayah yang dikunjungi rombongan Bupati Ngawi dan Hatra Group diantaranya Benteng Pendem, Komplek Kepatihan, Taman Candi dan Area Komunitas Hijau.

The areas visited by the Ngawi Regent and Hatra Group included Pendem Fort, Kepatihan Complex, Temple Park and the Green Community Area



(image Taken From ngawikab_)

(Sources Reports From ngawikab_)

