RE: Ranked Rewards Updates Follow-Up


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the min 2 days rental is a big change.. will it encourage more players to play or will it be the opposite? im guessing the majority of players rent 1 day.. this will drive more ownership in cards and probably push card prices up


I prefer renting for multiple days to play in a higher league.

I have to over rent to protect myself from a cancelled rental which may drop my end if season league finish.

Problems on both ends.

I'd prefer a contract that is unbreakable.

The terms should be settable,

  • Max length of rental
  • Min length of rental
  • Open to cancellation
  • Unable to Cancel
  • Price variance % increase/decrease to cater to significant market ups and downs to keep a longer rental reasonable for both parties

Setting fixed Minimums should just be a default, changeable depending on users motivations.


I think it's going to be opposite. One gets daily focus for 24hr only and renting a card for 2 days which one don't know the next focus will be same is absolutely loss. If the focus changed next day, you just rented another day for nothing but a loss. This is going to make higher leagues renting even more destructive as max level cards costs huge to rent and you just throwing another day of rental for nothing. Buying could be a solution but it's unlikely for average players to do as it's still going to cost over $20k to get some decent set of cards which one can't afford. Only good for age old players who got all those cards at max level and no need to worry about buying or renting.


I have to agree here. I don't rent a lot of cards but when I do it it's focus related. A two day minimum just gouges me.


Same brother.


I also noticed that our daily focus isn't guaranteed to be an option when selecting a team. Did I read that correctly?

I remember the early days when we weren't guaranteed the splinter our daily quest required and it was infuriating to be on a losing streak and wanting to stop but just needing one more win with your quest splinter only to have it absent during selection. I can't imagine a focus being much better.

Having said that, if we can earn focus points regardless of using a focus team, that does seem like a fair trade. I'd like clarity on it, though.

If I have a life focus but don't play a life team I still get points, but what does it look like if I choose dragon every time and use life for support? Will that impact points earned or does a life summoner have to be used to unlock the extra points earned from playin daily focus cards?

If I can play dragons bolstered with my daily focus for a decent bump in earned points I don't think I have any complaints, but if I'm gonna have to grind more to maintain current rewards, which still don't seem comparable to rewards before the shift to focus from quests, I don't really see why I would continue to spend time on it. Seems like it'd be more profitable and far less frustrating to just rent my cards and find other ways to earn and entertain myself.

This brings up another issue. Guilds. Pretty much everyone in my guild has dedicated considerable resources to its growth, such that none of us, I presume, would want to leave and abandon those efforts.

It's an uncomfortable combination of being free to leave anytime, and locked in.

Similar to how mining companies used to own the housing employees resided in, the were free to quit their jobs at any time, but that also meant they'd be homeless by the end of the day. It's not really a choice at all.

Obviously, there are stark differences between the two scenarios, so I'm not trying to draw a direct comparison, but I think it's worth noting that feeling trapped encourages looking for a means of escape. I don't think that's a solid business strategy.


I was going to say that's a great summary, but then it's more like a novel 🤠 but spot on


It's a thesis, that I may evolve into a mission statement. This environment is missing teamsters.😁
