Lurking in the deep for prey


deep lurker.png

Battle ruleset

The ruleset for this match up was Equal Opportunity and Stampede with a mana limit of 46.

Team line up and strategy

My idea on this match-up was, that I wanted to go almost full melee. Since CL, water has such great melee cards. Deep Lurker is one of them, as this card got so much melee damage once it's use able at the max level. Also the abilities of the deeplurker are amazing, decreasing damage, poison and opportunity. But as in this match the ruleset has equal opportunity so that didn't matter this time.

Just in case he/she had some strong front-liner I put Diemonshark as first, as it has good damage and is quite tanky so I won't have to be afraid it will die fast as that will could only be hit by 1 target potentially.

For the rest of the team I put in Flying Squid because it's got good damage/speed and has the blind ability which can give that edge of some extra misses. Nerissa Tridawn, for the damage she has at max level. Which she does a whooping 5, if that doesn't hurt then I don't know what does. Demented Shark, so that my melee get that extra 1 damage, as I went 5 cards melee that is quite some damage increase.

That leaves one more spot to be filled, as Deeplurker doesn't have that much hp as my other cards I put in play and I had 6 mana left. I went with Gargoya Lion, as it has the same amount of HP as Deeplurker. I put it in front of the deeplurker to protect him. As Opportunity will always go for the lowest health that's closest to the tank. So the Gargoya will be attacked as first. But since it has void and armor it has a good amount of defense to take some damage and keep my deep lurker safe to put out some damage.


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First round Wood Nymph gets taken out by Squid and Gargoya, as that health amount is so low she basically makes no chance of staying alive. My Deeplurker taking the divine shield off of spirit shaman and then Nerissa and my demented shark finishing him off.
My Gargoya Lion stays alive because of his void/shield and flying combination as the last hit from goblin mecht could have been lethal, but the speed/flying came in clutch as it dodged the attack.

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Second round, he/she is already 2 monsters down and I'm still with all up, even tough my Gargoya Lion is badly injured. My Gargoya Lion will fall to the nectar queen. My monsters are focusing on the Goblin Mech and almost finishing it with 1 hp left.

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As the Goblin Mech is at 1 hp my Squid takes it down. Off to the next target which gets taken care by the left over that still have to attack. His/her Nectar Queen almost killed my Deeplurker but managed to stay alive with 1 hp and no poison proc, so my deeplurker stays to live another round.

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It's looking quite grim for my opponent as he/she only has the Nectar Queen alive to attack with. It does have retaliate, but that will not do the trick against Narissa. The Queen got a retaliate of against my Demented Shark, but that will only hurt it back as my shark got thorns. So with 8 health left, my Deeplurker hits it for 6 with only 2 hp left. The Nectar Queen attacks and finishes my Deeplurker, but the game is basically already over as Narissa will finish the Queen with her whooping 5 magic damage.

Combat deeplurker 1-5.jpg

I think you can already see it and I think I can just show you the victory screen.

Combat deeplurker victory.jpg

Replay link



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