Daily Favorite Battle & Quest Rewards (11/12/21)

Wow, playing in Gold is pretty tough and eye opening when 95% of your cards are level 1 and mostly starter cards...

Strategy is still allowing some easy wins and some close wins, but then there are times the level 8s and 5s and monsters with abilities you didn't realize they had, etc. come out and just rightfully stomp you.

There are also some GREAT moments when you end up winning against a very strong, leveled, gold foil enemy and again, you just have your little level ones 🙂. (More on that in a moment)

Having a water daily quest I did decide to rent an Oshannus today which is the first time I have used him. I also had another card or two that I randomly got for the power I needed to rent and they have come in handy at times too.
This enemy had a strong team of level 4s, all gold foil and likely a lot of money invested, he even went -1 magic to counter my +1...

As usual please have a look and consider following and liking the post, thanks!


As for the rewards today... they were horrendous especially for the amount of power I am renting to be at this high level. Luckily the DEC for wins is helping offset the rental a decent amount, but this group of chests really puts a damper on wanting to try for more chests and compete at a high level of play.
I am looking to at least come close to breaking even, not earn maybe 60 cents worth of rewards...

Send me good vibes for better rewards tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again,
~ EhmayWuntee
