This is why I push into gold with my silver deck! MODERN

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Way more rewards than in silver league! The sps differential is insane. As u can see in the table below. Bronze averge is 0.12 Sps, Silver is double that with 0.23 Sps. Then we make a huge leap with 1.54 Sps! thats a 669% increase from silver!

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That is without considaration that the change of legendary/gold foil is increased by 50%. Also the change of getting packs is also more than doubled!

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I have to say with a strong silver deck that I have. With mostly leveled chaos legion cards, that can get me in top 100 of silver. That I have not found it very difficult to climb to gold 1. Now I'm in gold 1 I get wrecked by gold cards, but the loot is so much better.

Oh and don't forget, you can always play in silver league with Wild and still reap those sweet gold rewards!

Here are some of my battles in Gold 3/2

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Full battle:


Full battle:


Full Battle:

I am considering upgrading my deck to gold level, because of this succes I have in gold league with my silver cards. I will keep u guys posted on wich cards I am considering to buy.

Have you guys tried your luck in gold modern yet? Let me know in the comments!
