Is the stock market rigged?


Hi guys. As you know there is a long standing belief that the stock market is rigged in favor of the wealthy and powerful. Some people believe that this is due to insider trading, market manipulation, and other forms of corruption. Others believe that the market is fair and that anyone can make money if they do their research and invest wisely. It's fact that institutional investors, such as hedge funds and mutual funds, have a significant advantage over retail investors so these investors have access to more information, more resources, and more sophisticated trading strategies and algo bots which makes it unfair for retail investors.
Tbh if retail investors had access to these then they wouldn't be able to make money.
But we won't know if the market is rigged because the government is too powerful they can do anything to their favour.
If you look at the board of directors, many sit at more than one company. Former senators and house members will assist or sit on the board also. Furthermore, companies will need to hire consultants from other companies for various services that the company cannot do. Therefore, the market seems rigged, but upon closer inspection, it is a necessary evil
