End of Season Rewards Time!


Well, its that time of the month again, season has ended, and with it comes the season rewards! So lets see what I got for 1.1k DEC to power up to gold 3.


mm... decent i suppose. Totals to about 250 DEC, 3 alchemy potions, 3 legendary potions, 2 basilisks, and a few commons. All in all, lost abit of money. Keep in mind though that this is kind of expected, the chests themselves are worth about 50 DEC or so on average.

Lets Talk New Season

This coming season will be interesting, Novice/Bronze rewards have been reworked to no longer gain DEC from chests and lowered chance for cards. In addition, your battle rewards are now determined by the league you're currently in, not just by rating, so you're kinda forced to move up if you want better rewards.

I'll link my explanation on the new changes below:

Fortunately, I managed to build enough collection power that it'll be my first time staying permanently in silver, which means more chests, and also stronger opponents. Hopefully I can survive!

