I won the Gold Foil Diamond Dragon from ZenSports worth 2K+ USD!



This year, I have started my Splinterlands journey on the month of August. I've started with just a Spellbook in-game. I don't have any assets held in-game except the latter and the DEC tokens I earned by winning ranked matches.

...then came the lucky day!

Oct. 17, 2021 - I was watching the Elite 8 for the Stache Classic stream held by ZenSports and CryptoStache in THETA.tv. Before the stream ends, they have announced the winner for the GF Diamond Dragon and to my surprise it was ME!!!! I saw the stream chat box flooded with "Congratulations wyvernspl!".

I am so happy that I won the reward. I think it was around 6AM (UTC+8 time zone) that I have received the reward from sir @kanyeshrayz (ZenSports, Discord Server Admin).

The card that I have won has a 50,000 collection power (CP) and it really boosted my SPS airdrop earning from less than 0 SPS to 7.7 SPS per day.

This is really a game changing event and a life changing moment to me. I hope Splinterlands will last long for 20+ years and more! Thank you very much ZenSports and to all the people who have contributed to the reward I have received. YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!


Congratulations! That is pretty amazing! My son started playing in September investing only into spell book and just the rewards cards he earned are now worth $142. That is pretty amazing considering he has been playing games before and mostly just spending money on games, now he is earning money playing this game!
