Finished my silver-level Chaos Rewards collection [EN/PT]



My bad boys

If it's currently being printed on and it has the new card format, then I own it at max silver level. That's what I can afford right now, while I stack up a bit until Chaos Legion actually releases. I want a full silver level set of it, even though I'm not sure I'm actually playing tournaments myself. Maybe I'll delegate everything to a player - like in a scholarship of some kind - now that novice bots are finally less profitable. Too soon to tell, though.


I see that Almo Cambio for only $30. Is still being printed? That's such an obvious pick up right now, considering how powerful that card is at any level. I might buy a couple of them just to immediately list them for $50. I'm sure they'd sell no more than a couple of weeks later. Since I'm not maxing it and it's not part of my goal, I'm okay with letting it go. Though it would be probably more profitable if I held it for at least three months. Might as well.


DJINN BILJKA! I feel this card is so good. It has 2 magic power at level 2, it can't be targeted. We can just drop it in the middle of our team and bam, our magic damage has been guaranteed. It's not like we even have to protect it, as long as it's in 3rd or 4th position, because who the hell can blast that far? Opportunity is also going to ignore it, and it's immune to magic reflect thanks to Void. This is solid!

That's all I have to say right now. I hope you guys are enjoying the coming of Chaos Legion as much as I am. Hate the PR, love the game!

AGORA EM PORTUGUÊS! Tradução automática do Google, tá, gente? Eu escrevo em inglês primeiro.

Meus meninos maus

Se ele estiver sendo impresso no [] ( e tiver o novo formato de cartão, então eu o possuo no nível máximo de prata. Isso é o que eu posso pagar agora, enquanto eu empilho um pouco até que Chaos Legion realmente seja lançado. Eu quero um conjunto de nível prata completo, embora eu não tenha certeza se estou realmente jogando torneios. Talvez eu delegue tudo a um jogador - como em uma bolsa de estudos de algum tipo - agora que os bots novatos finalmente são menos lucrativos. Muito cedo para dizer, no entanto.

Vejo aquele Almo Cambio por apenas $ 30. Ainda está sendo impresso? Essa é uma escolha tão óbvia agora, considerando o quão poderosa essa carta é em qualquer nível. Eu posso comprar alguns deles apenas para listá-los imediatamente por $ 50. Tenho certeza de que não venderiam mais do que algumas semanas depois. Já que não estou maximizando isso e não faz parte do meu objetivo, estou bem em deixar ir. Embora provavelmente fosse mais lucrativo se eu o segurasse por pelo menos três meses. Poderia muito bem.

DJINN BILJKA! Eu sinto que este cartão é tão bom. Ele tem 2 poderes mágicos no nível 2, não pode ser mirado. Podemos simplesmente deixá-lo cair no meio de nossa equipe e bam, nosso dano mágico foi garantido. Não é como se tivéssemos que protegê-lo, desde que esteja na 3ª ou 4ª posição, porque quem diabos pode explodir tão longe? A oportunidade também vai ignorá-lo e é imune a reflexos mágicos graças ao Vazio. Isso é sólido!

Isso é tudo que tenho a dizer agora. Espero que vocês estejam gostando da chegada da Legião do Caos tanto quanto eu. Odeio o PR, amo o jogo!


hi @felipejoys, I was just reading the Splintertalk article on the coming Chaos Legion as seriously disappointed from a newcomer's perspective. As I commented on that article: "So basically if you are new to the game, in reality, there is little hope of getting any of the new card packs, given that a voucher spend is required. This approach just protects whales IMHO and does nothing to attract new entrants to the game. I find it quite disheartening that the approach will remain in place after presale too. Surely there should be an open market after presale to allow anyone to buy card packs on the platform, otherwise, new players are simply held to ransom by whales with ridiculous prices asked for card packs and I am certain will be asked for voucher tokens, if they are even prepared to sell them, on the resale market. I hope you consider a more equitable approach Splinterlands." What are your thoughts on this? obviously for those with a lot of time and skin in the game, there is a need to protect investments, but surely allowing everyone the chance to pick up even just a few packs to play the game with new cards or give them the chance to join in with the excitement at list price would be more equitable? I mean people like me are looking to pick up maybe 5-10 packs at most but even that seems like it may be impossible. Who knows what whales will sell their tokens for if they even choose to sell any which I doubt will be the case. I do like reading your advice on cards though so I'll definitely look at the few you have mentioned here too but it means shelling out $30-$50 instead of being able to pick up a bundle of packs for the same price
