Battle of the day.

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Hello everyone. Today I am going to share my battle.

Battle details: I played with death splinter and my opponent used a earth splinter against me. Water, Fire and Life teams were banned from this battle.

Battle Ruleset


It was a battle with 47 mana cap and three rules:

image.png Briar Patch: All monsters have thorns ability.

image.png Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in first position in battles.

image.png Melee Mayhem: Melee attack monsters can attack from any position.

Discussing My Lineup
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Summoner , MIMOSA NIGHTSHADE level 3. I used this summoner because I wanted to counter ranged and magic attacks and remove any healing abilities from my enemy team.

First Position, USUT level 1 This monster has decent armor and good health so it could do a lot of damage with Thorns in case my opponent would use melee attacks.

Second Position, PHANTOM SOLDIER level 3. I used this monster because I wanted to lower enemy magic attack even more.

Third Position, ANCIENT LICH level 3 I used this monster because it can gain more health with Life Leech ability.

Fourth Position, REVEALER level 4. I used this monster because I hoped to Stun my enemies.

Fifth Position, CREEPING OOZE level 4 This creature only had one purpose to Slow opponent's team.

Sixth Position, HELHEIM DEMON level 1 I used this monster because it has Taunt ability and like USUT can do a lot of damage with Thorns.

My Strategy & Tips

This battle rules and high mana cap allowed various different strategies. You could build melee team ignoring the Thorns rule because melee monsters were able to attack from any position. You could also pick a ranged team since ranged monsters were able to attack from first position. But I decided to play a mostly magic team because magic always hits a target and ignores armor. This meant that I will not have to worry about Thorns damage to my team. I picked a summoner who lowers magic and ranged attacks of my enemy I also had a few monsters with high health and armor in case my enemy would try using melee attacks. This means that I had counters to all three attack types.

Analysis of The Battle

My opponent also used a monster with Taunt ability and a monster who lowered my magic attack power. My opponent also used a magic team. That means that he could not win this battle since both my summoner and PHANTOM SOLDIER reduced enemy magic attacks. Also enemy lost healing ability thanks to my summoner. So in the end I won without too much difficulty.

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I hope that you enjoyed my battle. If you would also like to start playing splinterlands and earning by making posts about your battles or by making art inspired by splinterlands please consider using my referral link:

Also please consider visiting my art gallery. So far it has only a few pieces that are inspired by splinterlands . But in the future I might add more works with splinterlands monsters.

Thank you and have a nice day.


I’m sure one will be winning steadily if he or she knows your strategy
You seem to be very good
How many days does it take to play a season?


Thanks for sharing your gaming experience. It was quite interesting, and I must say you've mastered the Splinterlands game given the number of wins you record everyday.
