I'm A Happy Farmer


The farmer wakes up with the sun,
His day has just begun.
He steps outside and takes a breath,
And feels the cool breeze on his neck.

He walks the fields with a smile,
And checks on every crop and pile.
The corn is tall, the wheat is strong,
The farmer knows he can't go wrong.

He tends to every animal with care,
And feeds them all with love to spare.
The cows, the pigs, the chickens too,
All happy and healthy, thanks to you.

The farmer's work is never done,
But he finds joy in every one.
For every seed he plants and grows,
Is a testament to what he knows.

That hard work and dedication,
Can bring about a great creation.
And when the harvest comes around,
The farmer's joy can be found.

For in his heart he knows it's true,
That he has done all he can do.
And with a smile upon his face,
He knows he's in the right place.
