RE: Still Alive!

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Well i havent been in bronze in a couple months, but from what I read now and remember magic is highly used in the meta then and now. So having an anti magic team is huge, For me, I use summoner bortus, with torhillo the frozen in front, djin oshannus behind him, a healer (either the crustacean or the new mermaid will work), and axemaster that is high mana setup tho for anti magic. For low mana anti magic I use Mylor with Unicorn mustang in front, behind that, healer (either 4 mana wood nymph or 6 mana goblin psychic) and rest filled with your choice.

Mylor is key to anti red/melee decks also. So thats why i built those as my first 2 decks. Its immensely helpful to buy all 0, and 1 mana cards if possible, its insane how much a difference they make by eating enemy attacks giving your dps more time to hit and possibly kill enemy.

Chaos agent is cheap 1 mana card, all of the new legendary 0 mana cards are less than $15, i bought 1 of each, even chicken is down in price since im playing. look at all 0, 1, and 2 mana cards, they can be used most often in situations to plug in.


thanks. I will study all of these. I did play today and the first 4 battles my opponents forfeited giving me 4 victories and getting me to 5 loot chests for the season. I'll quit until season ends lol. I gotta figure this out and fast!!!
