Getting Victory in a Brawl Battle without damaging anyone.



This is about my winning match. Using Scarred Llama Mage summoning Cornealus in a brawl battle and without damaging anyone, I got a good result of winning against the enemy team.

I'll be joining a battle challenge hosted by @splinterlands with this post and I'm linking the challenge link so that other peoples may know about it.
Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

This time I got a battle with 16 mana and I went for it using Scarred Llama Mage as the earth summoner.



Here you can see both team where I've found a opponent with 6 cards against my single card.

Battle Ruleset:

The battle ruleset has 16 mana cap.
Lost Magic: Monsters with magic attack may not be used in battles.
Explosive Weaponry: All monsters have the blast ability.
Armored Up: All monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor stats.

My chosen cards.
I chose earth splinter with a single neutral monster where I used Scarred Llama Mage as the summoner.

Scarred Llama MageCornealus

Enemy's chosen cards.
The enemy chose earth splinter with five earth cards and one neutral card using Wizard of Eastwood as the summoner.

Wizard of EastwoodHill GiantFungus FlingerBertrol GobsonAcid ShooterVenari ScoutFurious Chicken

The Battle


No team could choose any magic monsters for the lost magic ruleset. For explosive weaponry ruleset, all monsters in the battle gets blast ability that will do additional damage to monsters adjacent to the target monster. And all monsters in the battle gets +2 armor for armored up ruleset.

The enemy summoner removed the extra armor that Cornealus got from the ruleset. And for being the only monster on the team alive, Cornealus got last stand ability from the summoner that gained it increased stats (ranged attack from 2 to 3, speed from 3 to 5, health from 12 to 21) and the friendly summoner offered +2 more health and cleanse ability to the friendly monster.

The cleanse ability wasn't needed for the friendly monster as there's no negative effects on the monster. The only monster in the friendly team didn't do any attack throughout the whole battle for being a ranged attacker at the first position.


Enemy teams Acid Shooter started attacking first where the friendly monster lost one health. After Bertrol Gobson attacked and killed one more health of the friendly monster, then Venari Scout and Fungus Flinger attacked the friendly monster where both enemy monsters missed their target, I didn't understand why. And at last Hill Giant did the last attack for the current round and it missed its target as well. I really don't understand the reason behind these misses as I don't see any logic behind them.

There was a new round where Cornealus first healed its damaged two health that it lost throughout the first round. So, the friendly monster has only one work which is healing itself using the heal ability. Venari Scout didn't miss its attack this time but the rest of the enemy monsters missed again. So, Cornealus lost three health this time.


There was another round where Cornealus healed all three health using its heal ability. Then the friendly team lost three health again but this time both Venari Scout and Fungus Flinger missed their target again but Hill Giant didn't miss it. Then it kept happening for next SEVENTEEN ROUNDS. Sometimes the friendly monster lost even four health and it healed all four health as well.


At last, fatigue started in round 21. Fatigue is something that removes a partial health of all monsters in the battle at a situation just like this. Before even the friendly monster healed itself up after losing four health in the last round, fatigue happened and damaged two more health of the friendly monster and all enemy monsters lost two health each where Furious Chicken died losing all health.

After the fatigue, the monsters started taking their turns where the friendly monster this time healed all six health and then lost five health roughout the round as no enemy monsters missed now.


Then there came another round where interestingly all enemy monsters except Hill Giant died losing their health to fatigue damage and the friendly monster lost two health as well so this round its total seven health. And Cornealus healed all seven health now and I was really surprised seeing it healing this big time. Maybe the healing ability also became great for the last stand ability of what? I'm both surprised and confused at the same time.

Both monsters lost three health each in the next round to fatigue attack and then the enemy monster took its last turn and damaged two health of the friendly monster after the friendly monster healed itself towards the full health again. And there came the last round (round 24) where both fatigue damaged four health this time and the enemy monster had only one health left so it died and the friendly team won the battle keeping Cornealus healthy and alive.

And which made me laugh was, Cornealus healed its health again when the friendly team already won the battle. So, this is how you defeat your opponent without attacking them.


The next post about splinterlands will be coming soon.
Screenshots are my take from the game website.

