Social Media Challenge - Splinterlands_- Equal Opportunity

Holla splinterfans!

Really! Never thought i'll be the one loving splinterlands, after some few tutorial post I read from @mypathtofire, I think am really pulling up the strings. If you're just starting out on splinterlands and confused about the whole thing i recommend you check out his tutorial posts..

Have got some interesting battles i never thought i'll won, am just gonna share one that really got me amaze and the strategies I learnt.

We've got the ruleset Equal Opportunity; at our disposal, where All monsters have the opportunity ability, which only target the enemy monsters with the lowest health and can attack from any position.

Well this actually gave me the hint not to pick a monster that as health and mana cost lower than 6 or 5, so as to sustain any attack coming from my opponent. before the game rounds up.

My Team

This is a low mana battle, with 18 mana cost, so definitely choosing wisely as the monsters wont be much, I went with just 3 monsters including my Summoner----

Summoner/ MonsterReason
Kelya Frendul+1 Armor, 4 Mana cost, +1 Speed
Deeplurkerhigh Mana cost, Magic attack
Diemonsharkhigh Mana cost, Trample ability, High mana cost

My Opponents Team

Summoner/ Monster
Helios Matriarch
Fungus flinger
Katreba Gobson
Venari Marksrat


Watch full battle on splinterlands

ROUND 1- Diemonshark Vs Fungus Flinger-

With Equal Opportunity, Sure the lowest health on my team is Deeplurker which has a higher health cost of 6 but my opponents lowest health is Venari Marksrat which has 2 health cost. Infact now i know why i won, i guess my opponents didn't think twice before picking out a team, the whole team has a very low mana and health cost which actually has contradicted the Equal opportunity ruleset.

Maybe he picked his teams base on the abilities the monsters possess and not base on strategies.

When it comes to using the water splinter for battles, I always alternate between diemonshark and deeplurker as my tank and goto tank monsters because of their high mana cost, high health, and high Armor. One always comes before the other so as to take the tank position if the tanker is defeated.

Am not sure if Fungus flinger should be in the tank position but it will be difficult to match against Deeplucker and diemonshark, since he possess a low mana cost of 3 and low health of 4

Deeplucker attacked Fungus Flinger first, leaving him confused for a while and diemonshark finished him off immediately before he could recover from the first attack. It was a Flawless Victory.


Katreba Gobson takes over the tank possible, held quite a fight i must commend but most of her attack went into my monsters armor without affecting a single dime on their health.

Venari Marksrat didn't do bad as well, infact am surprised they both held out quite long for low mana monsters.

Deeplurker finishes off Katreba Gobson with just a blow, while diemonshark finishes off Venari Marksrat with just a punch. Its as if these two monsters where deliberately taking hits from Katreba and Veneri, just to finish them off with the slightest Opportunity.

That is it.:


My opponent choosed a team that has No armor, low mana cost, low health, and low speed, which has actually contradicted the Equal Opportunity ruleset and open up his team for a quick defeat.
The trick in Equal Opportunity ruleset is using Mosters that has High speed, high mana cost, high health, and if possible armor for protection.

Most importantly one must be quick and smart when picking out teams base on the rules given and mana cost. Not just randomly selecting teams base on abilities or time frame.

How do you play the Equal Opportunity Ruleset.??

Till we read again, Kudos!


The title image was created in canva by me, with the image from source

Screenshot and characters was taken in splinterlands

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