Battles Of The Day: PYRE


After having the Chaos Legion expansion summoner in my collection I put aside Pyre, which to be honest, is a very inferior summoner to the Chaos summoner, however, I wanted to play some games with this old summoner even though he is only lvl 1.

In this first battle, in first position I placed: Living Lava. In second position I placed: Battering Ram and in last position I placed: Furious Chicken and that's it. As I only had 12 mana points I could not place more cards in my formation, and although I am sure I could have formed a better strategy, it really worked very well, giving me the victory in this battle.


In this second battle, since the "Keep Your Distance" rule was active, I could only use cards with Range Attack or Magic Attack, however I decided to use only cards with Magic Attack, so this was my formation: In first position I placed the classic Prismatic Energy, one of my favorite Magic Attack cards. In second position I placed the classic and which could never be missing in a formation of only Magic Attack cards: Spirit Miner. In third position I placed: Djinn Inferni. In fourth position I placed another Djinn, "Djinn Apprentice". And in the last two positions: Efreet Elder and Magi Chaos. In this battle, even though my opponent had his summoner at lvl 5 and his cards were higher in lvl than mine, I could still win, proving that what I say that many times the level does not influence the outcome of the fight is totally true.

