Battle of the Week – There’s no Striker like Tenyii Striker


Battle of the Week – There’s no Striker like Tenyii Striker

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Hey guys,

another week another challenge to showcase those great Chaos Legion cards we own or rent.
This week one of the best sneak cards is displayed. Tenyii Striker, a deadly force, who kills off the back line of our enemies silently but violently.

I had a few battles with Tenyii lined up but then I battled an opponent, who chose Tenyii, when I was not and it was such an epic battle, that I couldn’t pass the opportunity to showcase this battle.
It was a nailbiter, only one HP left for the winning team, but I don’t want to spoil the outcome. You have to read through the whole article.

Or you can watch it for yourself and be impressed by all those great strategies that may or may not have been administered. Battle of the Week with Tenyii Striker

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Ruleset, Available Splinter and Manacap


The only rulest was Reverse Speed, so Monserts with the lowest Speed could attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

Obsidian would have been great, even if this is the go-to-summoner for most players with this ruleset, but earth wasn’t on the menu. Only Fire, Water and Dragon was available and although Water as well as Dragon had speed bonuses, I didn’t chose Fire, because my red team is not fully grown yet. It is my weakest Splinter, so I chose Dragon, but with Fire as substitue.

The Mana Cap was at 58 and thus sufficiently high for me to choose some of my favorites with a high mana count.

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As I said, I didn’t want to use fire, because I don’t have maxed out cards for Gold, but I wanted to use Grum as a tank. I also wanted to use Carnage Titan because of Double Strike and Shield, as I new, there was a high chance of many melee and archery monsters on the board.
Chaos Dragon is my all-time favorite and he had to be on the battlefield, not only due to his high magic damage and blast, but also because of the blind ability, afflicting upon enemy monsters.

Spirit hoarder for an extra blind (I don’t know, if this stacks, probably not) and Molten Ash Golem as a meat shield for the back, after my final monster Scorch Fiend is killed off and I anticipated, that would be rather quickly.

Enemy Line-Up

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My opponent had a different approach. Fire was almost an obvious choice and Drum with one Speed is the go-to tank for Reverse Speed. But in second position, he chose Tusk the Wide. An off-tank with Inspire for Grum AND Tenyii and void against magic damage.

In the third position, he put Legionnaire Alvar, almost certainly for the Demoralize ability.
He then put Molten Ash Golem in the fourth position, but he had an level 6, I only got a level 5 card.
Tenyii Striker the star of the week and the battle on the second to last position, smartly put, even if he has evade. He must have though, I too was going with Sneak monster and that would have been a good guess, because the available splinters Water, Fire and Dragon have some good sneak monsters, combined with the neutral ones, there is damage to be done in the back line.

But I chose differently. Let’s see, how it all played out.

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Round 1


When all buffs and debuffs were applied, the battle could begin. I got through Grums shield quickly and stole his buffs with the Spirit Miner as I was able to avoid getting hit by his Grum. I also shot a wonderful scattershot with blast in the middle of his deck, but as there were meat monsters, I didn’t do much damage.
Tenyii Striker on the other team killed my fiend in the back instantly.

I didn’t notice Ifrit just sitting there in the back and doing nothing. I know of course of Recharge, but as I don’t often use those cards myself, I am not that much familiar with its devastating effect, if a triple damage blow hits.
But that is a story for round 2 and 4.

Round 2


With my Grum attack, I had his down to 4 HP.
Then his attack only got 4 damage in due to my shield, otherwise I would have been toast, because Ifrit woke up and attacked me for 5 HP (due to my void, otherwise it would have been a deathblow).

Tenyii Striker struck again and took 6 HP from Molten Ash Golem. But I finally got rid of Grum and injured Tusk with my last Carnage Titan attack.
Chaos Dragon hit Tenyii Striker and with the blast both Molten Ash Golem and Ifrit Rising, but all three monsters had way too many HP to kill them.

Round 3


The two tanks tickled each other a bit and Spirit Hoarder healed up Molten Ash Golem in the back, but that was not enough to be another victim of this mighty Striker called Tenyii. He sneaked through the battlefield and dealt a deathblow to my backline monster.

After Carnage Titan’s two hits for Tusk the Wide, the Chaos Dragon hit the Tank as well, which was a good thing in my opinion, because Grum could kill Tusk with the next hit.

Ifrit sat this round out and I could breath a little. But I knew know, what would hit me in the next round and I shivered.

Round 4


I got lucky in round 4. I killed Tusk and bloodlust kicked in. With it one Shield Point. That way I survived the giant killer 8 damage from Legionnaire.
Tenyii Striker struck a third time in this match and was 3/3. Spirit Hoarder never had a chance.
Ifrit had recharged and charged onto the battlefield with 5 damage points against Grum, although Grum had void.
At the end of round 4, I only had Carnage Titan as tank and the Chaos Dragon left, whereas my opponent had four monsters, including the beast Tenyii Striker, But he would have to be quick to get another kill in.

Round 5


Due to his shield, Carnage Titan only ate 4 damage from Legionnaire and zero from Molten Ash Golem and I even evaded Tenyii’s strike against the Dragon.
Then it was my turn. I hurt Legionnaire pretty good with the Titan, so that Chaos Dragon could finish him off and injure the Golem in the process.
Ifrit was out of energy this round, but it would hurt next time around. Even with 7 HP, my Titan would be gone, so I had to be vigilant.

Round 6


As I feared, Ifrit had its first turn and the Titan was gone from the battlefield without striking one last time.
I only had the Chaos Dragon left and he got attacked first by Tenyii Striker. My Shield was gone, but now, it was my turn. The Dragon took out Ash Golem and Tenyii in the process with blast.
And I knew, that Ifrit had to recharge after this mighty Titan-kill.

Round 7


After the Golem died, I got my HP back up to ten and what can I say, I was in desperate need of it.
Round 7 was a recharge round, so I could attack Ifrit without remifications, but as he got only two speed (damn you Quix), he would attack first in round 8 and what an attack he dealt.
He took 9 HP from the Dragon before finally being killed himself.
I stood there with one HP left and counted my luck.

Battle Results


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I got a decent amount of ranked points and Reward Points. 0,39 SPS was not that good, but little by little, the bird builds its nest.

In the end, it was the most riveting and narrow wins, I got in a long time. A wonderful showcase of what the game has to offer.

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Thumbnail and mashups created with Canva
Screenshots are mine.

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