Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS



Hey guys.. Mingalar par မင်္ဂလာပါ..
Welcome to my Weekly Challenge post.
This week Weekly Challenge theme is Dragons.

Due to daily focus battles are focus on certain element and I had never had Dragon focus until now, it has been some time that I haven't use Dragon or Dragon+Death combination. Now weekly challenge called for Dragon theme, it is time to use Dragon+Death combination again.
My usual strategy for Dragon+Death is use thorn tank followed by sneakers.
As I play like other days, there was one battle came up. The battle rule was Up close & personal which only allowed melee cards, the mana cap being 28, I decided to play weekly challenge.


* Edition: ANY
* Rarity: ANNY
* Element: DRAGON+ANY


Summoner : Drake of Arnak

Drake of Arnak, my preferred choice for a combination with Death splinter, provides 1+ shield to all friendly monsters. Only weakness is against magic cards. DOA was used partly because it was the only starter card and I didn't have intention to rent from the market place.

First Position : DJINN CHAWALA

A slow but strong and thorny monster with decent armor, **Djinn Chwala* was used as the tank as there was enough mana. Instead of *Cursed Windeku*, *Djinn Chwala* may be more suitable for melee only battle. Besides, I own a copy of *Djinn Chwala* card which is important for reward points and focus points.

Second Position : SILENT SHA-VI

I use Silent Sha-vi so much so that I even bought a few mid-level cards with highest of level 5. With the summoner limitation, the highest level I could use was level 1.

Third Position : DISINTEGRATOR

Although *Disintegrator* can't attack from this position, it *Demoralize* enemy melee by reducing 1 attack point. Important in the *Up close & personal* battles where only melee cards are allowed.

Forth Position : URAEUS

As my Dragon+Death splinter strategy is to focus on the back-line, I used Uraeus as an additional sneaker. For having a shield, it is best to put at the last position. But since DoA provides a shield, it is OK if not placed in the last position.

Last Position : CARRION SHADE

One more mana left and *Carrion Shade* was placed at the end.


The battle was against Water splinter with a decent strategy, where first 2 monsters focus on the tank and followed 2 opportunity monsters and a sneaker. 1 mana monster was placed at the end.

Okie, let the battle begin!



screen_shot_2022_06_26_at_11.25.44Although Djinn Chwala missed the attack, it still manage to damage two monsters that attacked it. My sneakers merely took out the last card that is almost useless. Disintegrator did its job by reducing enemy melee attacks that Uraeus was still suivived.

screen_shot_2022_06_26_at_11.31.23In round-2, my 2 last cards were out and manage to damage first two enemy cards.

screen_shot_2022_06_26_at_11.33.23.pngIn round-3, enemy first 2 cards were taken out thanks to the thorn ability and enemy formation was broken

screen_shot_2022_06_26_at_11.35.56.pngAs it became easier, Silent Sha-vi taken out Pelacor Bendit which didn't post a big threat. Djinn Chwala did its job by damaging enemy attacking cards with thorn.Exposed enemy opportunity monster was taken out easily by Silent Sha-vi, Deep Lurker was damaged while attacking before it was eliminated by Djinn Chwala.



Did my strategy work?
I think my strategy worked and every card did their jobs as intended. I might need to do some adjustment though by placing Silent Sha-vi at the end and place Carrion Shade in the second place. That line-up would be more suitable for the any type of enemy.

Do I like Dragons?
Dragons have their own advantage of able to combine with any splinter. Until now at this level and starter cards, Dragon+Death combination may be a good combination.

Alright guys.. if you are interested in joining weekly challenge please visit here .

Please have a look at my battle here

you can find how to make banners and canvas here.

If you want to know a bit more about me, please read my introduction post here.

Thanks for viewing my post. Have fun playing splinterlands. Splinterlands ကစားရင်း အမောပြေနိုင်ကြပါစေလို့ .. နောက်နေ့ပြန်ဆုံကြမယ်နော်...

Have a good one.


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