Current Situation - Quo Vadis Splinterlands?



Are you new to Splinterlands and searching for some advice, then you found the correct series! In this Beginner’s Guide Series, we are discussing things that new players of Splinterlands should know or try to learn. In this specific episode we will talk about the current status and future of Splinterlands itself. Over the past few weeks, it seemed like the game is slowly becoming a little bit forgotten. I will try to explain why this game is definitely worth remembering and why people should either not stop playing or start playing this game over the next few weeks and months. With that being said, if this article motivated you to start playing this amazing game, then feel free to join the fun over the following link:

Current Splinterlands Situation

So let’s take a look at the “bad” news first. Right now, card values are really low. When I first started playing this game a little over one year ago, the cards were extremely valuable. There were no Chaos Legion Cards yet and also no packs to buy. I was at the mercy of bigger players that already had cards. Keep this in mind for later because this could be important in the future! Even the legendary reward cards were worth a small fortune. I remember when Djinn Oshannus was around 40 USD while he is only 2 USD today! It is no surprise that people are losing interest in the game if their in game assets are sharply declining in value.

Speaking of in-game assets, the SPS & DEC price for these has plummeted. SPS that was worth once around 0.8 USD is now at around 0.02 USD. This is a sharp loss. Additionally, DEC that is supposed to be worth one thousands of a dollar is far away from its peg and it does not look like it will change anytime soon. Since the introduction of SPS, the value has been falling and many critics believe that this will not change anymore.

Which leads me straight to the next example of a unsatisfied community. There are some voices out there, that are criticizing a lot that is going on. They are calling out the developers and question every kind of decision. While I am not totally into these conversations and discussions, I can understand some of the arguments that are being brought up. But in some cases I might just not see the full picture yet.

Last but not least, we need to talk about the slow selling of Chaos Legion Packs which shows that people are unwilling to spend more money on new cards if they can get them for very cheap on the market. In fact, many packs are really not worth buying to get the cards you want. The only reason to buy packs right now is to hold on to them in order to be able to sell them later once they are not available to the public buyer anymore.

Quo Vadis Splinterlands?

So, where are we going with Splinterlands? Well, with all of the points that I just mentioned we have to keep one thing in mind: WE ARE IN A BEAR-MARKET! People who are predicting this game to be dead are just not understanding that we are in a genuine recession at the moment. Almost every project and their assets have seen a major loss. Many projects have even seen bigger losses than Splinterlands. Some of these projects are not even around anymore.

This means for me that the current cards are on sale and that people should get as many of them as possible. If you want to play it safe, just buy the packs. Once the chaos Legion packs are not available anymore, the packs are a great accelerator to get your money back and make some profit.

Not only that but despite the poor market situation, the developer team continues to work on new upgrades and new releases. Furthermore, the community has a very strong core of very passionate investors and players who will not let this franchise die. Yes I think this game is already becoming a franchise and I also think that this card-game will form the future for these kind of games.

Exciting Future!

Why do I think so? Well, there is such an excitement future ahead of us! There will come the Land integration soon. Furthermore, there is the Tower Defense Game that just looks very addicting to play. The new reward structure will soon be implemented and while I think that the new reward cards might be a bummer not to sell, the general consensus is that this change will make the game better.

What is also interesting to think about that there will be no more expansion for a little while which leaves us only with Airdrop cards and the current Riftwatchers expansion that will run out of packs very soon as well. Once these sales are done, the next expansion will take a few months to be released. This means that Chaos Legion Packs will become very hot property and the Chaos Legion Summoner will explode in price.

Every new player will need one once the next bull run has arrived and it might come sooner than many expecting. It will be exciting to see new blood learning the game as well as seeing the collection price of your cards rising again!


All in all, the current situation is common for many projects. This is the state of a bear market or recession. But Splinterlands community base is strong and it does not concern me that this project will survive it. I truly believe that Splinterlands will be one of the leading play 2 earn games in the next couple of years and I am very happy to be part of it that early.

Previous Beginner’s Guides:

Riftwatchers Summoners!

Most Frequently Used Cards

Splinterlands Income Streams!

Chaos Legion Cards For The Future!

High Priority Cards!

Advantages Of A Guild!

The Greatest Asset

Published by ga38jem on
On 10th January 2023
