Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secret - Heavy Hitter Edition!



Another week another Battle Mage Secret to deal with! This time around we are all about the heavy hitters. This is a very interesting one that would give you a sense of strategy on how to benefit the best from such a Ruleset! In this post we will talk about the actual ruleset, what the best strategy for this ruleset might be and why it is not always best to stick to just one strategy in general. With that being said, let’s jump straight into the Secret!

Heavy Hitters Ruleset!

Let’s start off with the ruleset itself. This ruleset is very easy explained. Every unit on the field has the knockout ability. Now in order to understand the severity of this ruleset, we need to understand what the knockout ability is. This ability allows to deal double damage to every unit that is stunned! This means that if you want to profit from this special circumstance, you need your opponent’s units to be stunned. But how would you do that? Well, there is a special ability for that which is called Stun which I will explain in the optimal strategy!


Optimal Strategy!

Let’s talk about the optimal strategy here for a second. In theory you just need a monster with the Stun ability in order to profit from this generous Ruleset, right? Well, if it was this easy, Splinterlands would be pretty straight forward. But don’t we love this game because it has so many different angles and ways to play it? Okay, let’s start with the obvious: first, you need a unit with the stun Ability. There are actually quite a few of them in the game but only very little have the Stun ability already on level 1. One of these cards could be the Revealer. This death card was a reward card in the previous run, before the latest Soul bound reward cards got introduced. As a magic attacker, he is able to attack from any position on the field and with 4 health he has not the worst stats for a 4 mana cost card.


So far so good, but is it always that smart to rely on this whole construct? Let’s do the math here! If we have one card that has the stun ability. This means that we have a small chance to actually stun the opponent’s tank. With that being said, by the time it is actually stunned it might not have that much health left which would deduct all of the double damage that we now enabled. Yes, there is still merit to this strategy because it enables us to have a chance to deal double damage to a complete healthy card but in my experience this chance is pretty slim.

Example Battle

This is why I would rather show you a strategy that actually brought me the win in one of my latest battles. It was with the Heavy Hitter Ruleset but without the “To-Go” Strategy. Rather than that I chose to increase my speed and make sure that we will hit our opponent first! With the help of the Dragon Summoner that grants us a speed boost as well as Clockwork Aide which boosts us additionally in speed we were on point with our attacks. As you can see, our opponent did not utilize any stun units either which confirms my theory a little bit. You do not have to have the cookie cutter strategy to win a battle. You just need to have the better strategy in order to be successful.



Published by ga38jem on
On 13th July 2023
